Tempting Traditions Page 3
She blushed. In the dim lighting from the street, he could see her rosy cheeks. Her hair fascinated him, glittering with gold, and he stroked the silken strands, wanting to hold them in his hands while he watched her come.
“No. You?”
“Nope. But there’s a first time for everything.” He slid his hand under her skirt, sliding it up and palming her ass. “You have the hottest pussy.” He slid a finger inside her. “So wet, so warm.”
He began rubbing her clit, and she pulled his head down for a soul-shattering kiss. Ci-Ci used her whole mouth, and when she captured his tongue and thrust hers inside his mouth, he growled with need. Quickly freeing himself, he anchored her around his waist and pushed into her pussy.
“But what if someone comes?” she gasped, bouncing over him as he began fucking her against the wall.
“Someone will.” He kissed her hard. “First you, then me.”
He jerked his pelvis forward, rubbing her clit, and she bit her lip, trying to keep quiet.
“That’s it, baby. Don’t let everyone passing by know that you have your ankles wrapped around me, that my cock is deep inside that pussy, fucking you while we stand,” he rasped and continued to thrust.
“Jack, Jack.” She panted. “You’re making me crazy. I can’t believe how good you feel inside me.” She strained and tightened her ankles over his ass. “I’m going to come, Jack. Hard.”
“Do it,” he ordered, mindless when she sucked his dick deep, her climax urging his. He heard a door open behind them, knew in only moments whoever had left the club would see what they were doing, and the sheer danger of being recognized pushed him that final nudge over the edge.
He shot hard, coming with a force that made him clench his jaw to keep from shouting. The footsteps behind him quickened his climax, and he withdrew from Ci-Ci but pressed hard against her belly, still coming in small spurts.
Kissing her, he tried to make it appear that’s all they’d been doing. And by the smart comments and light steps that passed, knew he’d done the job.
“They’re gone,” Ci-Ci whispered. “But I think you’ve made a real mess.”
He chuckled, his laughter hoarse, and dragged two fingers through the cum staining her blouse and belly. He rubbed it into her stomach, instinctively marking her. The glow of warm amber in her gaze made him want her all over again, and taken by the soft look in her eyes, he kissed her with real tenderness.
“You know, Ci-Ci, I owe you for one pair of panties and now one outfit. How about I make good on those clothes?”
She shrugged, her look suddenly uncertain. “It’s no problem.”
Oh, yes, it is. A Wright always makes right his promises. And I promised you those panties back.”
She stared, her look one of incredulity.
“What did you say?”
“My last name’s Wright, and that’s something my family always says—about a Wright making right his promises. You okay?”
“Wait a minute.”
She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths, and when she opened her eyes again, he noted a curious sheen of gratitude that had before been missing. What the hell?
“You know, Jack, I think you’re right.” Her eyes fairly sparkled. “Now how about you show me what you’re like in a bed and with some actual privacy?”
He smiled, relieved, and ran a finger down her cheek. “Now you’re talking my language.”
* * *
Holy crap. Jack—short for Jonathon—Wright, was walking her back to his hotel room. The same man who’d screwed her brains out and who she was set to marry in only three short days.
Staring up at him, she marveled at her luck. She’d finally met her fiancé. And physically, she couldn’t have asked for better. But now she could try to get to know him, to figure out whether marriage to this man would be the biggest mistake of her life or her best shot at happiness.
Lord knew her body just loved him. Her senses were still reeling from having been taken in an alley—in an alley—so out of lust for him she would have agreed to sex in the middle of that crowded nightclub. And now, some guardian angel had seen fit to serve her future husband up to her on a platter.
I really should tell him who I am, her conscience niggled. Give them both a chance to know each other before tying the knot. And blow my best chance at discovering who I plan to marry? No way.
“Have I told you how sexy you are? How undeniably beautiful?” Jack kissed her hand as they strolled through the lobby of her hotel.
Good lord. Talk about coincidences. He was staying at the same place she was. They stood in silence in the elevator, staring at one another with awe, hunger, and confused affection. And that spark of befuddlement had her heart pounding loudly.
She should have taken exception to his sexing it up with a stranger three nights before their wedding. But hell, that’s exactly what she’d done. Who could blame him for a last chance at freedom before the wedding noose?
Wondering at the thoughts of being the one to cinch said noose, she tucked her hand against the small of his back and walked beside him, aware of the hunger darkening his gaze as he glanced at her every other step.
They came to a door three doors down from hers, and she frowned.
“Problem?” he asked quietly as he pushed open the door and pulled her inside.
“No.” She was still trying to make sense of the odd happenstance. But his kiss soon made waste of her thoughts, and she found herself kissing him back with abandon.
“Damn, I hadn’t intended to go from zero to eighty so quickly.” He took a deep breath and ran a hand through his golden, cropped hair. “But hell, you get me hotter than I’ve ever been. I was just inside you, and I still feel like I’m starving.”
Me too. My whole life. She twined her arms around his neck and kissed him tenderly, slowing them down, and letting loose that flutter of butterflies in her belly as she did so.
Instead of rushing on a curl of lust again, he ceded to her slow kiss and returned the gentle comfort. Her heart hammered, more so when she blinked up sleepily into his handsome, satisfied grin.
“How about a shower?”
“Sounds good.” She grinned, pleased to watch him peel off his clothes as they walked through his suite to the lavatory. “You have a great ass.”
He laughed, his deep voice causing her to shiver. “So do you.” He adjusted the temperature knob, and she felt a hint of steam from the shower. “Now show me that ass. Take ‘em off.” He nodded at her clothing and waited with his arms crossed, his cock standing at attention.
“You know, I think you really do like me,” she teased, and kicking her heels aside, stepped out of her skirt, shirt, and bra.
He merely stared, tracing over every inch of her pale skin with an eagerness that warmed her. Despite her disastrous encounter with Lightsway years ago, she realized her looks did, in fact, attract the opposite sex. But that attraction had usually been tempered by the lure of her obvious wealth. Jack didn’t know her and wanted her for herself. At least he wanted her body; she amended, wondering why the thought didn’t satisfy her as much as it normally would have.
“You’re in really great shape, baby. What do you do for a living?” He guided her into the shower with him.
The soothing drops of water relaxed her, and she answered without thinking, leaning into his soapy hands. “I’m in business.”
“Me too. What kind?”
“Office administration.” For the most part. “How about you?”
She wondered if he’d tell her the truth—that he practically owned one of the most lucrative companies on Tergon and Earth. If he wanted to impress her, a woman he knew virtually nothing about, talk of wealth would do it. Though in his position, she wouldn’t say a thing. Sierra had a hard time trusting people.
“I’m in logistics. Transportation.”
His vague answer surprised her. And it made her think they had a lot more in common than she’d initially
“Hmm.” She bowed under the spray and his hands, completely under his spell.
“Look at me, baby.”
She turned to see him staring down at her, his eyes focused on her breasts. “You like?”
“Oh, yeah,” he said huskily, and she noted the smooth texture of his skin, the crisp, now matted hair on his chest that was thin enough to be sexy, yet thick enough to declare his maleness. His pectorals glistened under the water, his massive strength apparent in his build, in the way he took care of his body.
“You work in business but look like a linebacker.” She licked at the water around his nipple and heard his breath catch.
“I want to do something to you. Something a little different.” She could hear his breathing quicken as he waited, and she wondered, her breath caught. “Do you trust me?”
A silly question, considering they’d met only hours ago. Yet her instincts prodded her to answer. “I do.”
The flare of lust in his gaze had her shivering, and she couldn’t help wondering if she’d be saying “I do” again in three short days.
Chapter Three
Sierra’s legs felt rubbery as she instantly responded to the look in his eyes.
He licked his lips, focusing again on her breasts. “Get on your back. There’s plenty of room, and I’ll move the spray.”
The shower might have been another entire room in itself, it was so large. As she lay down, the cool tile under her gave her an erotic charge, cold in contrast to her overheating body under the warm spray of water. She stared up at the underside of Jack’s shaft, her body flushing at the sight of his hunger—for her.
When he knelt down, she reached up and fondled him, pleased at his groan. “I should ask what you want to do to me, but I don’t care.” She felt reckless, heady in her sensuality. “Do whatever you want. I’m yours.”
He stared down at her, his expression suddenly unreadable, and she had a moment’s hesitation. But then he smiled, an open emotion so pure, so real, she blinked to break his captivating spell.
Too late.
“I want to fuck your breasts, to slide my cock in between those mounds.” He reached for himself as he talked, stroking as he lowered above her. “Push them together, baby. And when I come, I want to come over your tits.”
“Not my mouth?”
He gripped himself tighter, and she realized how much she wanted to swallow him.
“That too. But this first. And trust me, anything and everything you want to do to me is welcome.”
“Oh? What if I wanted to tie you up and have my wicked way with you?” What if I found I actually wanted to marry you? How would you feel about that?
“Anything you want, Ci-Ci. And I’ve never…” He stopped and groaned when his cock slid between her breasts, his balls riding her chest as he rocked toward her chin.
“Never what?” She moaned, caught in his game.
“Never felt like this with anyone.” He grunted, rocking harder. His thrusts grew strained, his eyes glued to her face, her lips. “When I’m done, I’m going to lick you, baby. And then I’m going to take that mouth of yours that’s been tempting me all night. And maybe tomorrow, that ass,” he dared, pushing and panting.
“I’ve done a lot of things,” she murmured, squeezing her breasts around his shaft. “But I’ve never had it in the ass. I’ve heard its good…with the right partner.”
He thrust harder, his powerful thighs caging her beneath him. His strength turned her on as much as his scent and she couldn’t help noting the corded power of his godlike body as he strained toward climax. His skin rippled with muscle, and odd, dark stripes of shadow played over him lovingly, his eyes darkening to near black as he stared down at her.
“Come over me, Jack. Over my tits, my neck, my lips.”
He strained and thrust, his body trembling with need. She writhed beneath him, slick in her desire, her sex clenching with hunger. Jack moved with her, suddenly crying out as he tensed, and ropes of cum hit her breasts and neck. On and on he orgasmed, his fist pushing him to finish what her breasts had begun. When he’d finally finished, he rubbed the head of his cock over her lips, his eyes narrowing when she opened her mouth and licked the come from his crown.
“That was better than I’d imagined.” He groaned and leaned over her, pressing his forehead to hers. “You are so damned perfect.” He breathed deeply; kissing her shoulder with such softness she thought she’d imagined it. But when he looked at her again, his eyes had turned somber. “Tell me something bad about you.”
“Tell me something bad about yourself. Something that’s a turnoff.”
She wondered at his change in mood but accepted his hand and stood, thinking while he cleaned her off with the shower spray. The needles of water only increased the stimulation of desire, and she tried to rein in her desire, needing some measure of control against her future husband.
“I have little patience. Or so I’m told. And at work, I can be a real ball-buster.”
He chuckled, apparently restored to his good mood. “I’m a ball-buster at work, too. I don’t think wanting people to earn their paychecks is a bad thing. I think it shows leadership.”
She moaned when he massaged her scalp under an herbal smelling shampoo, all but begging him to rub those hands much, much lower. “You’re good at this.”
“Not that good,” he murmured. “It’s you, Ci-Ci. You’re relaxing me, making me…happy.”
“And that’s bad because…?”
“Because in three more days I’m—ah, a friend of mine—is getting married. And I’m not sure I can stand his bride-to-be.”
She quickly turned to face him, coughing when water shot up her nose. “What does he think about her?”
“Not much. He’s never met her. And I admit I don’t know enough about her to rationally dislike her. But she’s the daughter of one of my parents’ friends. And typically, my parents’ friends are a bunch of arrogant assholes.”
He massaged her shoulders, and she leaned into him, thinking her breasts fit into the wall of his chest perfectly. “So why don’t you tell your friend to take his time, maybe get to know her before they marry?”
“He can’t. The marriage was arranged between companies—his family’s and hers.”
“Oh, one of those. I’d think those business mergers are hard to stomach for anyone.” She reached around his waist, hugging him close. “I’m sorry about your friend. But think of it from his future bride’s perspective. Maybe, like your friend, she has no choice in the matter. Maybe she’s just as scared of marriage as he is.”
“Maybe. But he’s not scared. He’s just—”
She scoffed. “Sure he’s scared. Wouldn’t you be? Committing yourself to a stranger for the rest of your life? Now maybe he’ll be faithful, and maybe he won’t. But regardless, he’ll be stuck with her until one of them dies.”
“Thanks, Ci-Ci. You’re making me feel all warm and fuzzy.”
She laughed at his dry tone. “Sorry, but I’m a woman, and if I had to marry a man I didn’t know, I’d be really nervous, frustrated, and probably wanting to run far, far away.”
“You think?” His eyes brightened. “Maybe you’re right. Maybe I…should have my friend talk to her. They could work something out. Find a way to void the marriage contract.”
“Maybe.” Suddenly helping him see the bright side of a life without her seemed not only foolish but unbearably wrong. “But what if it turns out she and he have a lot in common? What if this sudden mating of two houses brings together two people who are meant to be?”
He smiled down at her, and in that instant, she couldn’t explain it, but she fell in love.
“Such the romantic.” He leaned down to kiss her. “Sex goddess—romance diva—you wear a lot of hats, you know that?”
“I’d rather be wearing you.” She teased his chest hair, pleased when his nipples immedia
tely hardened. He turned off the shower behind them, rivulets of water sliding down her body like small fingers of need.
“Now, if my friend had a woman like you waiting to marry him, I’d tell him to say not only yes, but hell yes.”
He kissed his way to her breasts, bending her back as he sucked her to near orgasm. “You’re sensitive here,” he murmured, pulling and tweaking her nipples into stiff buds. “And I bet if I put my mouth over that pussy, it’d be wet as well.”
“Jack.” She moaned, widening her stance when he kissed his way down her belly to her sex.
He licked her and shoved two thick fingers inside her. “How fast can I make you come, Ci-Ci? Let’s find out.”
His lips felt like silk, rasping lightly over her folds while his tongue toyed with her clit. Prodding, teasing, then leaving, only to introduce his teeth to her flesh, nipping with insistent draws that sent her pulse skyrocketing. His fingers continued to move as well. Long and hard, they simulated his cock perfectly but without his stretching girth. And when his pinkie nudged her anus, rimming her lightly before pushing deeper, she couldn’t help gasping at the sheer ecstasy of his touch.
“Please what?” He smiled up at her, and she saw such warmth, such caring amidst the raw carnality in his eyes that something in her gave way. Dark desires, forbidden wants, swam to the surface.
“Please fuck me. I want you so much.”
“Fuck you where?” he murmured, drawing her clit between his teeth. His tongue stabbed a rhythm, and she fought against her impending climax, trying to wait for him.
“Anywhere you want.”
His eyes widened, and his grin broadened, showing bright white teeth. “But I want to taste you first. That rush of cream on my tongue is like a drug I can’t get enough of.”
He lapped at her like a cat licking milk, dragging his tongue against her flesh and spiraling the pleasure building there. Crazy. He’s making me crazy. Her thoughts skewed, her body on fire, she slowly began losing her precious self-control.
She needed to come, yet, every time she drew close, he would back off, lightening the pressure on her flesh. Over and over, he teased, until the darkness seeped in, that rage of emotion that had hit her only once before in her life—when that bastard Lightswan had made an absolute fool of her.