Willa's Wish Page 3
Willa stumbled back, then lay down on the plush bed.
“Spread your legs wide. I want to see that wet cunt.” Nina licked her lips.
Ty leaned forward, staring hard at the slick folds between Willa’s thighs. She was so pretty there, so pink and pale. He glanced down at his own hand. The contrast between her skin and his aroused him even more.
God, I’m not going to last much longer.
Nina stroked Willa’s clit with one hand and played with Willa’s breasts with another.
Pinching and pulling, then sucking her nipples one by one. Nina backed off and watched Willa’s reactions as she slowly inched a finger inside her.
“Oh, Nina. Yes,” Willa breathed, and Ty lost it.
He pulled at his clothes and toed off his shoes and socks. He was overheated and dying to be inside her, when Jack held him back.
“Hold on, man. Let it all happen. Watch.”
Needing Willa more than he needed to breathe, Ty would have pressed forward when Jack stepped behind him and held him back. He pulled Ty against his slighter but still strong frame. Wrapping his arms around Ty’s waist, Jack took his cock in his hands. Ty felt the man’s semi-erect penis flex against his ass.
“Just watch,” Jack murmured.
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Nina shoved another finger in Willa’s pussy, then lowered her face toward Willa’s mound.
“Oh fuck. Yeah.” Ty couldn’t help pushing through Jack’s hands. He found a rhythm, thrusting in time with each lift of Willa’s pelvis.
“Now don’t come,” Jack teased, pushing the tip of his cock between Ty’s cheeks. “Save it for Willa, or I’ll have to punish you. A dry fuck would hurt, wouldn’t it?”
“Dammit, Jack.” Ty shuddered and eased back, forcing himself not to come. But that pushed Jack’s cock farther up his ass. Uncomfortable yet totally turned on, he needed something. “Do it.”
Jack groaned and repositioned Ty closer to the viewing hole, his hips out and his legs far apart. “Bend lower.”
Ty bent his knees.
“That’s it. And don’t worry. This won’t be dry. I have enough cum on my hands and from your juicy cock that we’ll fit nice and tight.”
Ty clenched his teeth and groaned as Jack penetrated him.
Willa cried out and thrust up into Nina’s mouth. Her nipples were so stiff. He wanted badly to bite them, then to suck the sting out of them.
Jack panted as he fucked Ty hard, nothing easy or painless as he took what Ty hadn’t given in months. But Ty needed it. He needed something to take his mind off Willa…and then Jack hit him right there.
“Shit. Jack, stop.”
But Jack didn’t stop. He pounded harder, making Ty strain not to climax.
“Do you want to touch me?” Nina asked in breathless voice, looking up at Willa’s flushed face. She whispered something else Ty couldn’t hear, but it didn’t much matter what she said.
Willa’s Wish
I want you, Willa. So much. You’re mine. All mine, Ty promised himself, even as he silently urged Willa to take Nina’s clit in her mouth.
Jack groaned and clenched Ty’s waist. It was all Ty could do not to come while Jack pulsed inside him.
Willa, bless her, nodded shyly at Nina. She scooted over, waiting for Nina to lie down, then knelt between Nina’s legs. Nina took Willa’s hand and placed it over her pussy.
“Touch me the way you touch yourself. You know what feels good. Do it to me.”
Watching Willa slide her fingers over Nina was more than he could handle. Jack pulled out of him just as Ty darted for the cabana door. Between Jack’s fucking and Nina’s play with Willa, Ty was out of his mind with lust. Willa was so fucking sexy. He couldn’t wait one second more without taking her.
“Thanks, boss,” Jack said loudly and chuckled.
Ty ignored him. He shoved open the door, only to see Willa’s ass in the air, her face buried in Nina’s pussy. “Oh, shit.”
Willa raised her head, her mouth shiny with Nina’s juices.
“Put your face back down. Eat her out,” Ty said in a hoarse voice. He felt Jack’s cum sliding down his ass to his thighs. His dick was so hard he hurt. He’d never felt so big, so thick. And then he stared at Willa’s slick pussy, visible between those trim thighs. “Spread your legs, baby. Because I’m coming in.”
Willa spread her legs and Ty didn’t waste any time. He thrust hard and deep, and nearly came.
“Oh yes,” Nina moaned, clenching Willa’s hair. “You’re a natural, Willa. So good.”
Willa pushed back against Ty and did something that made Nina cry out.
“So good and tight,” Ty rasped, so full he thought he’d burst. She gloved him completely. Nothing existed for him right now but Willa. Not Jack, not Nina, nothing and no one but the woman made just for him. Amazingly, he felt like he was somewhere else,
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looking down on it all. The sheer carnality was secondary to the intense emotion of this joining.
This wasn’t just sex, as he’d predicted before. Willa was so perfect. For him, the moment meant everything.
She shifted and he couldn’t help it. He slammed back into her, unable to hold back.
Nina screamed her climax. Willa lifted her head, finally, and moaned Ty’s name until Nina cut off her words with a hard kiss. Then Nina winked and slipped away, out of Ty’s sight.
Ty thrust twice more before he exploded. “Willa,” he shouted as he jetted. The pulses were so strong he felt weak when he was through. He held himself inside her, unable to do more than ride the rapture taking him into another place altogether. He’d never before felt the like, and he didn’t want the moment to end.
When Willa moved under him, he realized she might be uncomfortable. Grudgingly, he withdrew and left for the small bathroom. He returned to Willa, now curled on her side, staring at him.
In silence, they regarded one another as he gently cleaned her, taking the soaped cloth over her breasts, her belly and thighs, between legs and toward her ass. Ty rinsed out the cloth in a small pan several times, making sure Willa was fresh for what he next had in mind.
All the while she watched him with a soft, tender look in her eyes.
He cleaned himself without embarrassment, amazed when his cock thickened under her stare.
“You’re so big.”
He cleared his throat, suddenly nervous. “I hope I didn’t hurt you,” he said gruffly.
A pretty pink spread over her cheeks like a soft blush. He wondered how she’d look with the same pink over her ass from a spanking. His cock rose.
Willa’s Wish
“No, you didn’t hurt me.” She reached out and ran a finger over his shaft, playing with the head until he moaned. “But I do have one question.”
“What is it?” Fuck, he’d tell her anything she wanted to know. Give her anything she wanted.
“What took you so long, Tyrone Houston?”
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Chapter Four
Pleased at the shock on Ty’s face, Willa didn’t give him time to answer. “Yeah, I know all about who you are. I know your mom’s maiden name was Bennett, but that the world once knew you as Tyrone Houston. I know about the steroid scandal, about that witch you almost married. I know about your parents and how much you miss them.” His expression turned to one of suspicion, and she realized she had to hurry up her explanation before she came across as a stalker. “I know how everyone who’s ever met you, the real you, has loved you.”
She pushed him over onto his back, pleased when he didn’t resist. Kneeling between his legs, she wrapped her hands around his girth, amazed she’d taken that huge rod inside her. Curious, she leaned down and licked him, gratified by his harsh breath.
She smiled. “You taste good.”
“Willa, how do you --”
“I know all about you, Ty. Because you saved me a long time ago.” She let go of him, aware his erection had
n’t faded a bit.
Ty blinked in surprise. “What?”
Willa’s Wish
“Do you remember a shy, skinny girl? The one your entire high school seemed to loathe? Stringy black hair, pale as a ghost, and so poor she wore the same clothes, day in and day out?”
Ty shook his head, his brow furrowed in thought. “I don’t know --”
“One day after school, a bunch of idiot guys surrounded her. They were pulling at her hair, at her clothes. Making fun of her, but they were meaner than they used to be.” Her eyes teared at the memory. “They ripped her clothes and pushed her behind the football field bleachers.”
Ty’s eyes widened. “Wilhelmina T. That’s you?” He sat up and pulled her closer.
Staring at her as if seeing her for the first time. “I don’t believe it.”
“You saved me that day, Ty.”
He glanced away. “Hell, Willa. That was fifteen years ago. All I did was break up a few rowdy teenagers.”
“You did more than that. You told me to believe in myself. That if I saw myself as weaker and worse than others, they’d think the same. But more, you saw me, Ty. You spoke to me like a real person. And you never once ignored me in the hallways when you saw me.
You’d say hi, like you did to all the other kids. You might not have realized it, but others took notice. They left me alone.”
“I’m glad.” He swallowed hard, raking her body and face with his stare. “Is that why you’re here? To thank me?”
“To thank you, among other things…” She pushed him back until he lay flat. And then she leaned down and took the tip of his cock in her mouth.
He pushed up and moaned. “Willa, you don’t have to --”
She let him go and glared down at him. “You suck at spreadsheets. You don’t know how to access a database. And you’ve been avoiding me since the day I got here.”
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He covered his eyes with his forearm. “I’ve been doing my best not to fuck the shit out of you.”
“Well, that’s romantic.” She couldn’t help grinning at his snarled declaration. Who knew? Jack and Nina had been right.
“Dammit.” Ty removed his arm and scowled at her. “You were different right from the start. Hot, sexy, and so damned nice. Everyone likes you. Hell, I like you,” he grumbled.
“And now… I knew sex with you would be a mistake. Once wasn’t enough. I’m hard minutes after coming inside you. And I’m going to do it again and again.” His brown eyes darkened, luring her with carnal promise. “I’m going to come in you until you’re full of me.
He rolled her over in a move lightning fast. “And as hot as it was watching you and Nina, know that you’re not going to attempt that with anyone else unless I say so. Unless I’m there too.” He held her down firmly, his huge hands dwarfing her wrists.
She moaned when he spread her thighs and plunged hard, balls deep.
“Did you hear me, Willa?”
“God yes. I only played with Nina to get to you,” she confessed when he stroked in and out of her with deliberate slowness.
“I knew Jack was up to no good,” Ty breathed as he stared at her. He continued to fuck her while they talked, and Willa felt more connected to him than she had ever been with anyone else. “So you know all about my past, hmm?”
“I know. I know you weren’t guilty of anything more than bad judgment.”
He groaned and thrust hard, then stilled. “Where were you back then when I needed a friend?”
“I wanted to be there for you, Ty. But I was nobody. I didn’t want to add to your stress when you had enough going on in your life. Some poor little stalker you probably wouldn’t
Willa’s Wish
even remember from high school. So I worked hard to make my Web company a success. I wanted to be someone when I saw you again. And then you disappeared.”
“Honey, you are someone.” He moved again. “Someone who’s going to make my head explode. You are so fucking sexy. Do you know how hard I’ve been, wanting this? But I knew I couldn’t…”
“Couldn’t what?”
He leaned down and kissed her, cutting off the conversation. He began fucking her in earnest, alternating his angle so that with each thrust he grazed her clit. The temperature rose as she grew closer and closer to ecstasy. The scent and feel of this man was as she’d always imagined it. Perfect. Right. Heavenly. She screamed his name as she came, overjoyed when he quickly followed. She could feel him pulsing inside her, his huge cock filling her with his seed.
All mine, she couldn’t help thinking, then flushed, knowing she had to take it one step at a time. Ty was almost hers, but she couldn’t rush him. He knew the truth about her now, but that didn’t mean he felt the affection she did. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t still want to be with other people in this place where sexual exploration was the norm.
“So tell me,” he panted. “Did you come here for me, or was this all a happy coincidence?” He leaned up from her, and she stroked his chest with wonder. He was so dark and strong, so vital. “Willa?”
“Sorry. You’re just so beautiful.” He looked uncomfortable, and she laughed. “Ty, I’ve been looking for you for a long time. At first you were an obsession. I wanted to show you and everyone else that I’d succeeded, and I wanted to thank you for your help. But the more I read about you, and the more I remembered what you’d done for me, I fell hard.”
“What?” Wariness replaced the happy glow on his face.
“Sara wasn’t right for you. She just wanted you for your fame. I want you for so much more than that.” Her eyes filled, emotion clouding everything. “I love you, Ty. I’ve been
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waiting for you a long time, and I’ll wait for you as long as I have to. You’re mine.” She sniffed and smiled, pleased when he wiped a tear from her face. “You just don’t know it yet.”
Ty didn’t know what to say. He had a thing for Willa, no doubt. But love? He didn’t think he had it in him anymore. He studied her, content to remain inside her. “Willa --”
She put a finger over his lips. “Shh. I don’t want you to say anything. I just want you to know how I feel. And before you ask, no, Rick Hastings didn’t put me up to this. He warned me you wouldn’t like his interference. I’ve been looking for you on and off for years. I just happened to ask the right person about you, and that person put me in touch with Rick.”
“Damn.” Ty pulled out and lay on his side next to her. He leaned on his elbow so he could see her face. Her gray eyes glowed, and he thought he’d never seen a more beautiful woman.
“I don’t expect you to fall instantly in love with me, Ty. But I’d like you to give me a chance. I want you to show me what you need, sexually and otherwise. I kind of liked being with Nina. It was sexy. But not as sexy as watching you and the Newtons. Seeing Mike swallow you was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Ty flushed, remembering she’d seen that. And she didn’t mind it?
“I’m not going to pretend I’ll bend over backwards for you. I’m an independent woman with my own life. But I’m willing to wait for you to catch up. I’d like to share my life with you, if you’ll let me.”
“What about your job? That career you worked so hard for? I live here, Willa. And to be honest, I like it here. Maybe someday when I’m ready for kids I’ll move. But Satyr’s Myst suits me now.” He found himself holding his breath, hoping she’d agree to stay with him.
And how crazy was that? They didn’t really know each other, yet she proclaimed to love him. And damned if he wanted to be without her.
Willa’s Wish
She gave him that sly grin that made his pulse race. “I run a Web business. That means I can do it anywhere. Just let me get my equipment and I’m set. I was kind of hoping I could rent out some space from Rick, or maybe do a trade. My computer skills and management help for a room on the
Ty smiled. “Cutting off my objections at every turn, aren’t you?”
“I’m trying.” Her grin faded. “I, um, I want to try different things here. This place is perfect for that. But I was wondering…”
“Go ahead, Willa. Tell me.”
“Well, if you want to be with other men, or even women, I guess that would be okay.
But I’d have to be there, to be a part of it.”
“Damn straight. What goes for me goes for you, too. I have to admit, though, watching you with Nina had me so fucking hard --” Ty kissed her. “Did you know that Jack was fucking me while I watched? That we could see everything you were doing, from the point where Nina was sucking your hard little nipples?”
She groaned when he leaned down and sucked them. Like he’d imagined, she tasted like perfection. The feel of those hard nubs against his tongue had his tired cock stiffening again.
“So what do you say to hanging out with me on the island? I’m busy running the place until Rick returns in the spring.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Willa smiled and he felt his heart drop at her feet. “But you have to promise to fulfill a wish of mine first. And it’ll involve Jack and your delicious body.”
“I’ll tell you about it at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve, provided my stubborn boss will give me the day off. Deal?”
“Very funny. But don’t be surprised if we don’t celebrate with the rest of the guests.”
He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, and she smiled back.
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“Oh, I won’t be surprised. Trust me.”
Willa’s Wish
Chapter Five
New Year’s Eve, a year later
“Ty, you did this to me last year. Why can’t we celebrate with everyone else? Even Rick, Lilah, and Trevor returned for the celebration.”
Willa tugged at the silk scarves holding her wrists above her head, tied to ropes attached to the ceiling. This year they were celebrating New Year’s Eve in the coral cabana, where she’d first seen Ty naked. She tingled at the thought, then groaned when a lubed plug slowly slid up her ass.