Tempting Traditions Page 5
He tried to keep his answer casual, wanting to know what she really thought. “I don’t mind them. In my opinion, they were here before the humans, before we came to town. And there’s never been a report of a Tergonian harming a human. Live and let live, I say.”
She nodded, and a part of him eased. “What do you think they look like when they change?” She leaned closer, her eyes shining with excitement. “They say Tergonians resemble humans so closely you can’t tell the difference. But when they change, they’re almost animal. They say, too, that sex with a Tergonian can change you forever.” When she licked her lips, it was all he could do to stay in his chair and not lunge for her.
“I’ve been on Tergon for more than half my life. I’ve seen a shifter in his natural form.”
“You have?”
“Yeah. They’re big, much bigger than a human. And as they turn, their skin becomes completely black and devoid of hair. It’s like their flesh hardens, an armor of sorts, and their nails lengthen into claws, their teeth into fangs.”
Her breathing increased, and she smelled suspiciously as if aroused. He hardened more than he’d thought he possibly could.
“What about the sex?” Her eyes dilated, as if drugged. Like a Tergonian female going into heat.
“The sex,” he paused and rose, unable to keep away from her any longer. “The sex is rumored to be extraordinary. An addicting experience.” He stood over her, pleased when her gaze sought his thick cock prodding at the cotton lounge pants he wore.
“So, say, if you were a Tergonian, and I sucked you here.” She grazed his cock with her hands, and excited moisture plastered his cock to the material of his trousers. “You’d come in my mouth and make me a virtual slave to sex with a shifter?”
She stroked him firmly, lowering his trousers to his waistline until she exposed all of him. His heart raced as she lowered her mouth to him, her eyes on his the entire time.
“Take it, Ci-Ci. Let’s see if I can addict you as much as a shifter might.”
He couldn’t read the look in her eyes and soon didn’t care. The feel of her mouth over him had him rocking into her, helpless to remain still. She fondled his balls and ran her hands over his ass and between his cheeks, prodding at his anus.
Puckered and wanting, his hole quivered, and he spread his feet wider, angling into her mouth for a better aim. Fuck, but he planned to unload a bucketful into her mouth. Her scent, her driving need, pressed him to please her. He watched as she unconsciously rubbed her marked shoulder, and he thrust into the back of her throat, groaning with the need to fill her mouth.
“You taste right,” she murmured around his cock, shoving her finger into his hole as she took him deep.
“Damn,” he rasped, “swallow me, baby. You have me so hard, so hungry.” His vision blurred, colors streaking as his eyes began the turn. But he couldn’t help it. His teya, his Tergonian bride, stared up at him with such human, exotic eyes.
She rumbled low in her throat, and he shook with the need to come.
Her finger pressed deeper before thrusting in and out of his ass, and the painful pressure stoked the fire of his orgasm.
“Oh, fuck, Ci-Ci. I’m coming hard. Swallow me, all of me, baby.”
Jets of come warmed her mouth and shot down her throat. She continued to fingerfuck his ass, making him spurt even harder. Hormones that shouldn’t have been present with this human female ran rampant throughout his body. He sensed his need to turn, smelled and saw with Tergonian senses, and at least held himself in check from fucking her mouth with a turned cock.
Thankfully, Ci-Ci had closed her eyes in pleasure, and noticed none of his subtle changes. Though her opinion of Tergonians seemed accepting, she hadn’t had to meet one face to face yet. At least, not that she knew. He ran his hands over her hair and urged her to stand.
“Now it’s your turn, baby. I can smell your heat, and when I press my fingers just so…” He slid his fingers through her honeyed cream. She was so wet her sweet desire dripped down her thighs, and all he could think of was to put his mouth there. “You’re juicy, baby. And I want to eat you right now. I want that pussy.”
Nodding hazily, she backpedaled until her knees hit the bed. She fell back as he dropped to his knees and leaned forward, shoving the shirt higher while spreading her thighs wide.
Jack sighed. “Now this is what I’ve been waiting for.” He put his mouth over her clit and smelled the tantalizing scent of her need. “You smell so good, baby. Like the warm zila blossoms over the Reala Mountains.”
He thrust his tongue into her channel, licking and stroking deep inside her with Tergonian skill. She gasped his name and clutched his head, grinding up into his face.
“Jack, please.”
Again she utilized the Persha, the clenching skull, and he sighed as the familiar flavor of Tergonian spice hit his tongue. She seemed entirely human, so perhaps the bonding between them had him pushing his scent into her? Jack didn’t know but could only feel as he hardened again. And the rush of her orgasm as it overtook her threw him into a sudden shift.
“Close your eyes,” he growled, his voice raspy as the turn took him fully into his beast. Thankfully, she asked no questions, caught in the storm of her climax. In the blink of an eye, he’d turned into his true self, larger, stronger, and a hell of lot hornier.
With a low rumble, he licked again at her cream, savoring her taste. And then he covered her, thrusting deep and encouraging her orgasm to continue.
As she cried out his name, he fucked her harder, his cock filling her and lengthening, preparing to shoot his turned seed.
“Jack, you’re so big,” she whispered, moaning as her body clenched his tight. “I can feel you so deep.”
“Yes,” he hissed, on fire when she lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist, drawing him further inside. “Fuck. I’m coming.”
He yelled as he came, his shaft swelling as he pumped washes of warm seed into her welcoming body. On and on he pulsed, stirring her to new heights as she thrashed her head and arched up into him, Tergonian lust making them one with the crazed need for ultimate bliss. The hard rush of ecstasy took hold of him, and he bit her again, reinforcing the mark on her shoulder as a spot of remembrance.
When Jack finally came down off his high, he turned back and stared down at Ci-Ci, well and truly snared. She blinked up into his eyes, hers shining with an unnamed emotion, and as he leaned down to kiss her, he licked one of her tears away. The salty taste of her emotional passion broke down the last barrier guarding his heart, and he sighed with acceptance.
I love you, Ci-Ci. I truly do. Now how the hell do I break my oath and put my family at risk for my true mate?
Before he could put his worries to words, she tugged him close and hugged him to her. Her breathing slowed, and in seconds, she fell asleep. He pulled out and cradled her close, lying awake as he contemplated his possible futures—a bleak and empty existence tied to the Merritts forever, married still to his company, or life with the woman of his dreams, his family and business forever lost to the shame of his broken vow.
* * *
Ci-Ci woke to cool air covering her body and backed closer to the burning warmth holding her tight.
“Jack,” she murmured, holding the arm across her belly. Oh my God, I’m in love.
She woke suddenly at the thought and smiled, thanking her maker for such an extraordinary gift. Though she still wasn’t too keen on the traditional tie of marriage, the thought of forever being a part of Jack’s life was exhilarating. She’d been alone and tied to her work for so long she’d never anticipated anything could change in her life.
How wrong she’d been.
Sex with Jack brought her so much satisfaction she could die from it. And she readily admitted she loved when he made love to her in his Tergonian form. She glanced down at the arm holding her close and realized she had trouble seeing him. The darkened room and the bedside clock told her she’d slept through the afternoon into the evening.
If she could see him, would he look like the Jack she knew, or that other, more animal creature dwelling below his surface?
Just a few short hours ago, Jack had fucked her as a Tergonian. He’d bitten her again, and the feel of his teeth on her shoulder made her ache for more of him.
Expelling a tightly held breath, she rubbed his arm, wanting to see it black and alien-hard. For some reason, she found the sight of his shifted form incredibly erotic. Never before would she have guessed to have a thing for a Tergonian, but the intense emotion she felt for Jack took her apart.
Such tenderness mixed with raw carnality. He fucked, and he made love, and both paces of his sexuality made her feel cherished, cared for. Though he hadn’t confessed to loving her, she knew he felt something more than simple like. Their day together had been magical. Just the two of them talking, spilling secret desires, likes and dislikes, and funny stories of family.
She’d been surprised at how alike their parents were. Both families ascribed to loyalty and moral values. Integrity was a necessity to the Wright family, and she knew their businesses, at the very least, would profit from the upcoming merger.
If only she could surmise Jake’s true feelings for their wedding. She knew he didn’t look forward to it and didn’t know if he’d actually say “I Do” at the altar. For her part, it was a done deal. And today had sealed her fate. She loved Jack, wanted to marry him, and actually looked forward to children with him.
She sighed, imagining a little shifter with her ash-blond hair and his bright green eyes. A boy, then a girl. Miracles of the love she and her future husband would share.
If he’d share.
Sierra frowned and clutched his arm tighter. She took a lot for granted, her conscience nudged. Sure, she and Jack had experienced incredible sex. And though they had a lot in common, neither had asked for this marriage. She knew who he was, but when he learned her identity, what would he think?
She tensed. She’d known who he was for some time and had yet to tell him her real name. Would he be angry about it, or would he be relieved, as she was? She didn’t know him well enough, unfortunately, to accurately predict his response. He valued honesty; that she knew. But these were special circumstances. And he still hadn’t mentioned his Tergonian nature. So perhaps they were even.
Sierra huffed and plastered her body against his. Tonight was hers, dammit. The future would keep. She had another day to live through before the wedding, and she planned to exploit every opportunity she had to tie Jack tighter to her. The sex would be heavier, more exciting if possible, and she planned to do whatever she could to seduce him into saying “yes” on Thursday.
He murmured in his sleep and clutched her waist, nuzzling the side of her neck. His hot breath calmed her nerves, and soon had her blinking to stay awake. I’ll tell Jack the truth tomorrow. Just as soon as I seduce him to within an inch of his life…
Movement stirred her awake, and she found her new bedding had a steady heartbeat and smooth, warm skin that smelled like sex and spice—male perfection. She smiled and kissed the muscular chest beneath her cheeks, pleased when massive arms hugged her tight and refused to let go.
* * *
As Sierra woke from a dreamless sleep, she yawned and snuggled closer to the warmth underneath her. She shifted her thighs, brushing against something hard and hot, and instinctively thought, mine. A male voice murmured beneath her, a husky growl that turned into a groan as he slid against her wet and aroused flesh.
“That’s it.” He sighed with pleasure. Jack sighed. Her consciousness slowly returned as he forced her to sit up astride him, taking his huge cock inside.
“You’ll split me in two,” she breathed, moaning at the sensation of his shaft brushing her clit, of his tip pressing against her G-spot again and again.
“Then we’ll both break in half.” He shifted and yanked her down to blanket his body, bringing her face to his. “Good morning, beautiful.”
His eyes fairly glowed, the green so perfect, so natural, that it seemed only right when he shifted to her left and placed his mouth over her sore shoulder. The minute his teeth touched her skin, his cock flexed and seemed to grow, and incredibly, she came.
The contractions shook her, wringing a deep cry from him as he shot inside her. Seconds passed. A minute. Come dripped down her legs, over their joined bodies, and into the bed. And still she ground over him, wanting every last drop.
Which made no sense.
“Ah, there we go, teya.”
She froze and glared down at him. “My name is Ci-Ci.”
He chuckled and brushed her cheek with his hand. “Teya is a term of affection in my family’s first language. It’s an ancient tongue not spoken much anymore.”
Her cheeks pinkened, and she bit her lip. Remember, he’s Tergonian, dummy. But you don’t know that. “Oh. Sorry. What is it? Old Russian?”
“Something like that.” He sat up, remaining both linked and hard inside her as he drew her into an embrace. He lowered his head to suckle her breast, and like a spark to tinder, shot her into lust all over again.
She pulled him closer and groaned, needy and completely unnerved to find herself so. “Damn it, Jack. What are you doing to me?”
“Sorry.” He didn’t sound sorry. Instead he sounded both satisfied and …worried?
“Ci-Ci,” he said at the same time. They both paused and stared at each other. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“Me, too.” Sierra wondered how he would take the news that he’d been screwing around on his bride-to-be, with his bride-to-be. Unfortunately, she didn’t have the chance to tell him.
Jack glanced at the world clock on the nightstand and cursed up a blue streak.
“What’s wrong?” She gasped as he quickly withdrew, setting her beside him on the bed before shooting to the marble floor, pacing as he cursed to the high heavens.
“We’ve lost an entire day. One fucking day.” He fisted his hands in his hair, as if ready to pull out the golden masses by the roots.
Then what he’d said hit her, hard. “A day?” she screeched.
Shit. Today was her wedding day, and she still hadn’t told Jack the truth. Noting the late hour, she realized she had less than thirty minutes to meet her mother and Cherry in Cherry’s room. Frantically searching for her clothes, she hastily threw on her crumpled and stained blouse and skirt and high-tailed it barefoot out of the room. She heard his shout to stop, to come back, but couldn’t think beyond the utter panic and misery clouding her mind.
She’d never moved so fast in her life. Flying to her room just a few doors down, she isolated her thumbprint on the keypad, entered, and locked up behind her. The soundproof door made it impossible to know whether he’d seen her enter or not, and when the entrance chime remained silent, she knew she’d lost him.
Tears pooled in her eyes as she realized how much the possibility of really losing him hurt. But she’d had no time to break the truth, not unless she wanted to engage in an in-depth explanation to her mother and best friend as to why she wore her outfit from two nights ago covered in cum stains and ripped beyond recognition.
Groaning, she could only pray Jack would be forgiving when he saw her standing by the altar.
Chapter Five
Cherry stood by her side, fussing with her gown and hair. “I can’t believe you waited until the last possible minute. He couldn’t have been that good in bed.” She waited for a rejoinder, and hearing none, raised her brows in surprise. “Oh, ho? My best friend finally gets laid right. Hallelujah.”
“Shut up, Cherry,” Sierra hissed, glancing beyond her best friend to her hovering mother fiddling with her veil on a nearby table “Keep it down.”
“Testy.” Cherry shook her head. “But that’s expected of a bride-to-be. Now let me see you.”
Feeling like the victim in a bridal moment gone haywire, Sierra stood in misery as her mother and friend ga-ga’ed over every scrap of
lace on her frilly, totally unnecessary dress. Again with the “traditions.” Her mother insisted she wear a dress in the fashion of her own mother, Sierra’s grandmother. As much as Sierra wanted to run away from this mess, she stood firm, wishing it had been over and done with already.
Will he be glad about this, or will he hate me for deceiving him? Her heart shuddered painfully. Without realizing how, she’d given her love, her heart and soul, to a complete stranger. A man, a Tergonian, for God’s sake, soon to be her husband.
She couldn’t help reliving that incredible love-making in the shower, when he’d turned and given her bliss that felt like it lasted like forever. Her sex throbbed, recalling how big he’d been inside of her. Inhumanly large, and oh, so right.
“Mom,” she said before she could think about it. “Don’t you worry at all that I’m marrying, not only a man I don’t know, but an alien at that?”
Her mother grinned. “Come on, Sierra. He’s not a complete stranger. You met once when you were, oh, about six months old. And you really took to one another.”
She gaped. “Six months old?”
“Well, he was older by a few years. Four, I think. But he loved you. He held you so gently, and we knew.”
“Knew what?”
“That you two were meant to be.” Her mother glanced at Cherry, who winked. “We don’t exactly advertise our nature, honey. Too many people out there with too many prejudices. And your father and I were only carriers anyway. But you, Sierra, bonded with a full-blooded Tergonian—Jonathan Bain Wright—when you were just a baby.”
She shrugged, as if such news weren’t monumental in the extreme. “We never told you, of course. Your father and I wanted to give you a chance to live life without the stigma of being “different.” And to see if you’d ever stop moping about that jerk, Jordan what’s-his-name.”
“But I, you… What the hell is going on around here?”
Cherry giggled. “I told you she was so caught up in feeling sorry for herself that she’d fall for it.” She turned to Sierra. “Didn’t it strike you as odd that I spent a fortune on our night at The Suns and left you with a complete stranger for, oh, three long days?”