Bodywork Read online

Page 6

  Little by little, Shelby had become a shell of her vibrant, outgoing self. Catching Rick cheating had been the best thing about their relationship, because Shelby had finally seen him for the asshole he was.

  Maggie clenched her fists, still wanting to belt the creep. She wasn’t alone. Mimi and Ron had known all along he wasn’t the right man for Shelby.

  Maggie had watched Mimi and Ron do their thing for five years. More than designing homes, they worked with energy. Sure, the psychic stuff was out there, but it got results. Mimi and Ron did more than fix houses for folks; they fixed people as well. More than one couple had found each other and stayed together through Vanzant Interiors. Yet Shelby refused to use the help right in front of her.

  Mimi finally picked up on the eighth ring. The woman didn’t believe in voicemail. “Hello?”

  “Hi, Mimi. It’s me, Maggie.”

  “Maggie, how lovely. So what are you and my daughter up to on a school night?” she teased. “It is Wednesday, isn’t it?”

  “All day.”

  “Uh huh.” A pregnant pause.

  Now to ask for help without asking, because Maggie had made a promise. “I just wanted to talk to a friendly voice after my long walk around Green Lake. I have nothing to say about my best friend, who shall remain nameless. I’m also not calling to tell you about her chance meeting with Shane Collins. Or that the man looks incredible in running shorts.”

  “Not calling to tell me any of that, hmm?” Something chimed in the background. Probably one of Mimi’s many bracelets. Or maybe her wind chimes. Or her shrine to an air divinity aligned with Cupid. Who knew?

  “Nope. I would never betray my friend’s confidence like that. If I told you that he kissed her right there in the park, you might be tempted to interfere. And my friend would never forgive me if she knew I’d shared her secrets. I just called to say hello to my favorite other mom.”

  Mimi chuckled. “I think of you as the grateful daughter I never had. Thanks for sharing, dear. I’ll have to mull things over. So tell me about the newest piece you’ve been working on.”

  Maggie chatted with Mimi for a few minutes, gave her love to Ron, who was no doubt nearby, then said goodbye. She closed her phone and smiled as she set it down. She’d started the ball rolling. Now fate, ushered by unstoppable force of Mimi and Ron, could take over while Maggie watched from the sidelines, keeping everyone in play.

  * * *

  When Friday night came to a close, Shane sighed with relief. It had been an exhausting couple of days since he’d been drafted to help on an overdue project at the office. But now his weekend awaited him. He had plans he’d decided to put into motion. He’d thought long and hard about his meeting with Shelby the other night. As he slipped into his house, he knew he’d been right about her. Just one kiss from those sweet lips of hers had sent his pulse skyrocketing.

  It had been far too long since he’d obsessed over a woman. Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to follow Mac’s plan of attack, he didn’t know if he could go through with it. He lusted after Shelby, sure, but he’d started to like her as well.

  Low bass thumped through the main hallway, but he didn’t remember leaving his stereo on that morning. Then he heard a familiar laugh and groaned. Rounding to the kitchen, he found George and Mac sitting at the table playing cards.

  “Geez, Shane. Could you work a little longer on a Friday night? No wonder you’re so boring.” His brother shook his head.

  Mac smirked. “Now, Geo, you know that’s no way to talk to your big brother. He’s probably working really hard so he can clear his schedule for the golden goddess down at Bodyworks.”

  Shane shot Mac a look and contained an inner groan when George whipped his head around and stared at him with wide-eyes. “Golden goddess at Bodyworks? You’re making a move on my Shelby?”

  “Possessive much?” Mac took a swig of his beer.

  George frowned. “She worked on my knee for weeks and really helped. I like her. She’s nice, and she’s got a body that won’t quit. I think she works out.” He sighed. “She’s hot. Older, but sexy. Like, a cougar who’s a definite ten.”

  “A cougar if you’re seventeen.” Mac snorted. “So she’s that great, huh? Because your brother hasn’t said much more than that she has great hands.”

  George gaped.

  “I was talking about the massage she gave me. And you know it,” he snapped at Mac. He pinched the bridge of his nose. A headache was brewing.

  “I flirted with her some.” George’s gaze was curious. “But she didn’t take to it. I think she digs older guys. Too bad, really.”

  “Maybe I ought to give her a shot,” Mac suggested.

  “Not your type.” He hadn’t meant it to come out as a growl. Mac and George stared at him, then gave each other a look before focusing their attention back on him.

  “But she’s yours, I take it?” Mac kicked back in his chair and drank more beer. “So George, what’s the scoop on Shelby? Anything Big Brother should know?”

  George stared at Shane, his gaze considering. “You could do worse.”


  “So Shelby.” George tapped the table. “Where to begin? She’s hot, oh, but you already know that. She’s pretty funny too. Her best friend works down the street from her in some art gallery. She’s lived here for fifteen years or so and broke up with some jerk six months ago. As of my last appointment, she was free and not looking for entanglements.”

  Mac sat straight in his chair. “How the hell did you pick up so much information?”

  George shrugged. “It’s in the blood.” Their father had been career military, specializing in intelligence. George ignored Shane’s snort of derision. “I asked her a bunch of questions while she worked. She answered them.”

  “And told you about her last boyfriend?” Six months ago. Shane could work with that.

  “No. Actually, I overheard her talking on the phone. That and I listened when Mom grilled her. And you know Mom. She just about had Shelby’s bra size before my sessions ended. I think she wanted to hook you up, Shane.”

  Mac chuckled. “The kid’s good, you have to give him that. Like your mother. Woman should have gone joined the Corps and gone intel instead of your dad.”

  “No shit.” Shane hoped his mother hadn’t been too pushy. Not that he minded her choice of woman for him, but he didn’t need his mother interfering in his social life. Bad enough he had Mac and now George to deal with.

  “Good news is it sounds like your lady is free.” Mac nodded. “Coming off a bad relationship. Nice. Means it opens the door for rebound sex.”

  George studied Mac with interest. “Rebound sex?”

  Shane wanted something stronger to drink than a beer. “For God’s sake, quit talking about rebound sex and my brother’s therapist. In fact, stop talking about sex entirely.”

  “You’re such a prude.” George made a face at him and turned back to Mac. “He’s a lot like Dad. Believe it or not, Mom was the one who gave me the where babies come from speech.”

  Mac laughed. “Your mom is way cool. Your brother, not so much.”

  Shane shot him the finger.

  George snickered. “Not too creative with his insults either.”

  “You should shut up and take note. At the rate you’re going, you’ll be a father before you graduate high school,” Shane said dryly.

  “No way, bro. I’m very careful about stuff like that. I may like the ladies, and God knows they love me, but there’s no way I’m ready to be a father yet. Hell, you’re thirty-one and still single. If anyone’s giving Mom and Dad grandkids first, it’s you.”


  George’s eyes brightened. “Mom loved Shelby. Woman was pumping her for information like nobody’s business. It bummed her out big time when Shelby dodged her. I’m pretty sure Lorraine was trying to set you up. But Shelby managed to finesse her way out of the interrogation. It was pretty impressive, actually.”

  “You’ve hit
an all time new low if you need your mom to get you dates,” Mac muttered. “That’s just embarrassing.”

  “I didn’t ask her to help, asshole.” Shane glared at his friend before turning back to his brother. “In fact, I’d appreciate it if you kept quiet about this, George.”

  “Yeah, seriously.” Mac agreed. “Don’t get your mom involved. Sex and mothers don’t go hand-in-hand.”

  “So you just want to have sex with Shelby?” George frowned. “I don’t know if I like that.”

  “Christ. You,” Shane said, pointing to Mac, “quit talking about sex. And you…” he pointed to George… “keep your mouth shut about this. What I do or don’t do with Shelby is my business.”

  “Not that you have anything to do,” Mac added. “Not after you ran her over and then stalked her at her place of business.”

  “What?” George’s eyes were the size of half-dollars.

  Mac explained, and George started laughing and didn’t stop. “Oh man, you are so lame.”

  “Great. You’re a big help, Jameson.” Shane would have been more irritated if the events didn’t sound funny, even to him. Good thing he hadn’t mentioned running into her at Green Lake and kissing her. He’d keep that nugget all to himself.

  “Okay.” George rubbed his hands together. “So Shane, the king of commitment, wants a hook up. That right?”

  Mac nodded.

  “And he wants Shelby for that?”


  Shane scowled. “I’m right here.”

  “I guess I’m okay with that, so long as Shelby knows what he’s after. She’s nice. I don’t want her hurt by a guy who says he’ll call but won’t. Or some ass who’s late all the time or stands her up.”

  “I’m not late all the time, you little punk.” Shane wrapped George in a headlock and gave him a king-sized noogie until his brother cried uncle. “Now let’s ditch the topic of my love life for something much more interesting.”

  “Like what?” Mac asked.

  “Pizza.” Shane’s answer did the trick. Now more concerned with their stomachs than his social agenda, Mac and George argued over pizza toppings while Shane dug for the phone number to call it in. But all the while, he thought about Shelby and what to do about her. A kiss, now what? Where did he go from here?

  * * *

  Shelby rolled her shoulders as she finished her third client for the day. She normally arranged her schedule so that she had her weekends free, but two cancellations earlier in the week had caused her to work an extra day on Saturday. She watched her client leave and started to shut down the shop when a voice came from the back door.


  She turned around and smiled as one of her favorite prior clients walked in with a smile on his face. He had dimples that would make any young girl sigh and smile. If only she were sixteen again. “George Collins! How are you?” she asked as the lanky teenager approached with a familiar swagger.

  George flinched. “Shelby, how many times do I have to tell you? It’s Geo, like Leo. Not George.” He enveloped her in a bone-crushing hug. Shelby hadn’t seen George—Geo—in over a month. He’d had knee surgery at the end of the school year and had come into her clinic to speed his recovery. She looked down at the fading scar on his knee.

  “How’s the leg?” She knew football practice must be near to starting if it hadn’t already.

  “It’s good. I wear that hellacious knee-brace, but it doesn’t slow me down.”

  Shelby had been flattered yet hesitant when Geo had first flirted with her. But his sense of humor, tenacity, and drive to recuperate had made her like him tremendously. With his dark good looks and charming grin, she had no doubt he had girlfriends galore in school. She’d bet her last paycheck Lorraine Collins had her hands full with this one.

  “So what brings you around?”

  “I was strolling down Queen Anne and thought I’d look in on my favorite therapist. Actually, I was getting a card for my aunt’s birthday and saw your door open. I’m surprised to see you working on a Saturday.”

  “I don’t normally, but I had clients needing extra help. So what about you? Are you playing yet?”

  George strolled around the large hardwood area at the front of her shop, toying with the exercise balls on the floor that Ann, a fitness coach, used for training. “Practice began last week. So far, so good. It’s looking like I should start as quarterback again this year.”

  “Good for you.” Shelby poked him in the arm. “So who did you decide to make your number one? The head cheerleader or ex-Student Council president?” Ah, the dilemmas of youth.

  George gave her a devilish grin, and Shelby had a sudden case of déjà vu. Odd. “Neither one yet. I decided to ask the captain of the girls’ soccer team on a date. We’re seeing a movie tonight.”

  “Wow, George. Just one girl during senior year?”

  He grinned. “It’s too early to tell. Besides, I’m too young for monogamy.”

  “Gimme a break.”

  “No, really. I can’t imagine settling down ‘til I’m old, like thirty-one maybe.” He smirked. “Or twenty-seven.”


  He snickered and hopped onto a nearby stool. “So what’s the story with your love life?”

  “Nosy guy.” When he only stared at her with that engaging grin, she sighed. “Nothing much to tell,” she said. “I’m taking it easy for a while. Heck, I’m young like you. I figure I don’t need to settle until I’m old and gray. I have four more years until I hit thirty-one, right?”

  He hopped off the stool and chuckled. ”That’s what I’m saying.” He wandered into each of the back offices and called out, “Place still looks as good as it did when I was in here.”

  Shelby managed to refrain from remarking that just because George had moved on didn’t mean she’d let her practice go to ruins.

  “What’s this?” he asked as he came out of her massage room.

  He handed Shelby a card.

  She took it from him. “Shane Collins, Harmon & Sons Architecture? I could have sworn I’d swept up in there,” she murmured to herself, a frown on her face as she studied the card of the man who’d been on her mind all week long.

  “Who’s the dude?” George asked innocently. “New boyfriend?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Oh, you’re not sure?”

  She glanced up from the card to see him looking at her strangely. “I’m not discussing my love life with a seventeen year old.”

  “Love life, eh?”

  “And get that smirk off your face. I’m not old and dried up yet.”

  “Aw, Shelby. I’d never think that of you.” The leer on his face looked out of place.

  “You’re creeping me out. No way I’m even pretending to flirt back with you, Geo. I’m too young and pretty to be carted off to jail for carrying on with an under-aged boy.”

  He scowled. “I’m not under-aged. I’m seventeen. And I’m not a boy.”

  “Man, male, boy. You’re all the same. You’re missing that important leg of the chromosome that includes common sense.”

  “I think that’s an insult, but I’m still processing the fact you might have a love life.”

  “Shut up, Geo.” She chuckled, wishing she’d had a younger brother like him growing up. It would have made her days much less lonely.

  “So who’s the dude?” He nodded at the business card still in her hand. “A client, huh?”

  “Kind of. You want the truth? He ran into me, spilled my coffee, and blamed me for it.”

  George shook his head. “What an idiot.” He paused and remained silent.

  “Geo, are you all right?”

  “Oh, uh, yeah. Sorry. I just realized Gina is going to be waiting on me if I don’t get moving.”

  “Well, it was good seeing you.” She gave him another hug, pleased when he patted her on the shoulder and quickly backed away. She glanced down at the card again, and Geo was forgotten in a rush of memory and heat. That kis
s refused to be a distant memory. Damn it.

  George left her with a wave. As he walked past the front window, he noticed she stared at his brother’s card with a frown. Perfect.

  He walked down the street and entered the passenger side of a raggedy blue Wrangler. After slamming the door, he turned and grinned at Gina.

  “What was that all about?” she asked as she pulled away from the curb.

  “Nothing. Just doing a favor for my brother.”

  Chapter Seven

  Shelby read the name again for the tenth time. Shane Collins. Obviously no relation to Geo, who hadn’t batted an eye at the name. The card confirmed what Denise had overheard. Shane did in fact work as an architect, at least, according to the card he did.

  Oddly enough, she could see him sitting behind a drafting board creating things. The notion that he had more in his favor than a hot body registered. A man with an actual job. Now if he didn’t live with his mother, he might be a real keeper.

  She snickered at the joke Maggie would appreciate and decided why the hell not. Twenty minutes later after fighting the downtown traffic, she found a parking spot near Eighth and Pine. She left her car and walked to the large corporate offices where Harmon & Sons was located.

  She wondered which floor he worked on as her eyes strained to count windows. After standing there craning her neck for several minutes, she felt stupid. Deciding to at least take advantage of her parking spot, she walked down to the market.

  After that kiss the other day, Shane had said he’d see her around. What did that mean? He obviously knew where to find her but hadn’t given her his address.

  Maybe he’d left his card on purpose? Yeah, right. A guy like Shane Collins could pretty much have any woman he wanted. He’d probably bragged about that kiss to his friends. Another conquest, and after he’d run her over the other day.


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