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Served Cold Page 7

  His husky voice had an unnerving ability to arouse her. Just the hint of his interest and the feel of his strong arms and she wanted to jump him. So not the way to play hard to get.

  “Maybe.” There. That was better, more standoffish.

  He chuckled and lifted her hair off her neck, where he kissed her, nipping lightly. “Just maybe?”

  She trembled and would have moved out of his arms if he hadn’t tightened them around her. “Jack…”

  “Why so tense, angel?” He delved under her shirt to caress her ribs, and she grew breathless.

  “W-we’re outside. Anyone could see us.”

  “In the dark? I don’t think so. It’s just you and me out here.” He kissed his way to her ear and whispered, “Let me make you feel good, hmm?”

  Before she could say yes or no, he cupped her breasts. She swayed in his hold, and he teased her into breathy moans and pleas for more. God, he made her crazed when she should have been pushing him away and keeping an emotional distance.

  He took her camera from her and drew her deeper into the shadows with him. When he turned her to face him, he kissed her with enough heat to set the forest around them on fire. Lost to his taste, to his touch, she didn’t protest when tossed her jacket, then unfastened her bra and cupped her bare breasts under her shirt. He pinched and teased as he kissed her, his tongue penetrating her with a slow, lazy taking.

  “Oh yeah. That’s how I’m gonna do it. Get deep inside you,” he whispered before invading her mouth again. He didn’t ask—he took. And that dominance aroused her like nothing else.

  Jack continued to seduce her as he unzipped her jeans and pushed them down along with her panties, exposing her to the cool damp of the cave.

  “I can see your ass in that sliver of light. Man, you are one gorgeous woman. I want you like crazy.”

  She heard his jeans unzip, let him take her hand and wrap it around his cock. He felt huge and hot. “So thick,” she said while he continued to kiss her and pump into her hand. “So warm.”

  “I want you to touch me. Grip me harder. That’s it. Stroke me up and down, angel. God.” He groaned while she jerked him off, his hands busy at her breasts again. Each tug and pull of her nipples turned her on that much more.

  Jack must have sensed it, because he pulled away from her, then backed her up a few steps and turned her around.


  “Put your hands on the wall and bend over.” He sounded as if he’d swallowed gravel. “I need you. Right now.” She heard something tear. A condom packet. And like that, he was there, prodding her backside, then lower. He pushed inside her wet channel, his thick cock spearing her with ease.


  “Fuck, yeah.”

  The tight angle made him feel even larger inside her as he took her with a desperation she felt right to her bones. Her slight moans, his raspy breathing, and the slap of flesh were the only sounds to be heard apart from the rustle of leaves beyond them.

  She felt so decadent, so naughty having sex out here. Anyone could come upon them. Though she’d never been one for exhibitionism, Jack’s desire, his pressing need for her, gave her a power she didn’t want to let go.

  “You feel so good.” He slid in and out of her, his thrusts growing deeper. Faster.

  She clutched the cold, damp wall for support as his taking grew rougher. He let go of her hips with one hand to reach around her, and his nimble fingers found her clit.

  In seconds she shattered and cried out, unconcerned anyone might hear.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Come hard.” Jack gripped her waist and hammered into her, taking her to her tiptoes. Then he jerked once more and stilled, his climax apparent in his stiffening frame.

  A moment later, he eased out of her, and she pulled up her panties. After some struggling, he refastened her bra and set her shirt and jacket to rights. She turned to see Jack watching her, wearing a wide grin. Standing at the mouth of the cave, he had enough light on him to show his satisfaction.

  “Not how I planned to spend my Saturday, but I’m sure as hell not complaining.”

  Feeling defensive, she planted her hands on her hips. “You’re the one who dragged me in here. You were the one with the condom. Sounds like a plan to me.”

  “Yeah?” He raised a brow, and she wanted to slap his condescending face, then kiss him until they were rolling around on the ground. “You’re the one flaunting that tight ass and those breasts.”

  “Flaunting? Under jeans, a jacket and long sleeved T-shirt?”

  “I have a good memory.” He studied her. “I can’t stop thinking about the other night. Now I can’t stop thinking about what we just did. Let’s go back to your place and spend some time in bed.”

  Where he’d make her forget all her reasons for keeping her distance. Just coming down from a sexual high and she wanted to hold hands and cuddle with the man. For all that she wished she could turn off her emotions and fuck, it just wasn’t happening.

  “You frustrate me, you know that?”

  He snorted. “Join the club. I get hard just being near you. And this is only our second date.”

  She blushed and hoped he couldn’t see it. Oh hell. I’m easy. Two dates, and she’d had sex with him on the first one and on the second.

  “Watch your tone or you won’t get a third,” she snapped, out of sorts and not sure who to blame.

  He chuckled, but the laughter sounded forced. “Honey, I could have you flat on your back again right now if I wanted. But I—”

  She stepped forward and poked him hard in the belly. “Dream on.”

  “Hmm. Want to bet?” The gleam in his eyes warned her to tread warily, but the redhead in her said screw it and took his dare.

  “Yeah. Let’s bet. We’ll head back to my place and see who has the other one begging for a fuck.”

  His eyes narrowed. “You know you get me hard when you swear like that, don’t you?”

  “I do,” she said and licked her lips. “Lightweight.” She cupped him between his legs and squeezed, keeping her hand there. Wonder of wonders, he started to harden again. “Like I said. Easy.”

  She would have pulled her hand back, but he kept it there. Then the bastard kissed her, and his punishing kiss had her moaning into his mouth before he pulled away.

  “Say what you want, but I know what you like, Ann. A little rough touch gets you wet, hmm?” He gripped the hand holding him. Then as suddenly, he let her go. “So this bet, what’s in it for me when I win?”

  “Whatever you want.” She crossed her arms over her chest, clenching her hands into fists so she wouldn’t touch him again. “But you won’t win. What about my prize when I make you come?”

  His nostrils flared as he stepped closer. “How about winner gets the other to do whatever he wants for twenty-four hours?”

  “You mean whatever she wants.”

  He smiled. “Dream on, angel. I know what I’ll have from you. A few blowjobs.” He put his backpack back on, though she hadn’t seen him take it off.

  “A few?” she asked as he handed her the camera.

  “Then I’ll have you ride me so I can play with your breasts and suck those nipples while we fuck. I know you like that.”

  She fought to appear blasé. “Oh?”

  He laughed. “Yeah, oh. Don’t even try it. I know when you’re aroused. That’s the face I want to see.” He ran a finger over her cheek. “You’re so beautiful. I can’t wait to have you right where I want you.”

  She shoved him back, and as he righted himself, she took a quick picture of him. “That’s what I want to see. You off balance and falling at my feet.”

  He frowned when she laughed. “Let’s head back so we can get this bet laid to rest.”

  They started back, this time with her leading the way.

  “I take it I’ll collect my winnings next week?”

  He snorted. “You mean I’ll be taking my winnings. And yeah, next week. I’m thinking Friday night to Saturday night. I’
d suggest we start tonight, but I’m meeting the guys tomorrow, and no way in hell I’m sharing you with them.”

  “The guys?”

  “You remember the Blacks? Anson and Dex? They’re back in town.”

  She wanted to laugh but didn’t. It just figured Jack would reconnect with the detestable Black cousins, as Maya liked to call them. Ann thought detestable was a little harsh. Personally, she found Anson too conceited for her taste, but she’d always liked Dex.

  “A date with the guys, hmm? And here I thought you liked girls.” Immature, but she was too tongue-tied to come up with anything better at the moment. Her body was still singing to her.

  He yanked on her shoulder to halt her and whispered into her ear, “Girls? No, angel. I like women. In particular, one sexy redhead with a mouth I plan to slip into real soon.”

  She swallowed audibly, and he laughed. Picking up the pace, she had them back at the car in record time. The drive to her house felt like it happened way too fast, despite the silence between them that even the radio couldn’t fill.

  Once inside, Jack closed the door behind them and slammed her back against it. Not hard, but with enough force to show he meant business. He gripped her hair and tilted her head back, then kissed her until she couldn’t breathe.

  He didn’t wait or ask but shoved his hand down the front of her pants and slid his fingers between her folds.

  “Yeah, so wet. I know just what you like.” He grinned against her lips before kissing her again. His fingers worked their magic, never letting up until she exploded into an intense orgasm without warning.

  He eased the pressure against her clit but didn’t take his fingers away. Pulling back from her mouth to stare into her eyes, he smiled. “And that’s just the beginning.”

  “Ch-cheater,” she accused while getting her breath back.

  “Angel, haven’t you heard? All’s fair in love and war.”

  Chapter Eight

  Ann still didn’t know how he’d done it. The Wednesday following their bet—a bet that she’d lost—she watched her class empty of chatting students and cleaned up the room, all while thinking about Jack.

  As if the to-die-for sex wasn’t bad enough, he’d sent her roses. At work. She’d had to explain to the front office and a few nosy coworkers that a man with a misguided crush liked her. The only good thing to come of her confession had been Trey Atwood’s sudden attention. The fourth grade teacher she’d been gathering her courage to ask to a movie had emailed her an invite the next day.

  She’d said yes, all the while wondering what Jack might think. “Like I need to ask him for anything. Permission? Please.” They weren’t dating. Not seriously. Having sex like rabbits? Yeah, that they were doing.

  After she’d lost the bet—had she—he’d gone home with a smug grin, accompanied by an invitation to “dinner and only dinner” for tonight. For some stupid reason, she’d said yes. A smarter woman would have stuck to strictly having sex. But not Ann. She wanted to spend time with him without sex on the table…on a bed, in a cave or against a freaking door. He’d turned her into an insatiable sex fiend.

  She flushed. From celibacy to nymphomania in just a few days. How embarrassing she’d turned out to be so needy.

  “You going to scrub that desk to death or what?” Maya asked from the doorway, startling a small scream from her.

  “Don’t do that.”

  “I’ll wear a bell next time,” Maya drawled. “So Riley and I haven’t talked to you in a while.” Three days to be exact. “What’s up?”

  Ann cleared her throat. “Um, nothing.”

  “Yeah? Then why are you talking to yourself? Why are your cheeks so red?” Maya frowned. “Why does that look like a hickey on your neck?”

  Ann slapped a hand over her neck, mortified. “Seriously?”

  “No, but the fact you thought there might be one answers one question. You are vaginally compromised.”

  Ann gaped at her friend and hurriedly dragged her into the classroom. “Keep your voice down. I teach small children here.”

  “Who were all housed in a woman’s body at one time or another. Vaginas are not strangers to them.”

  “Would you stop saying ‘vagina’?”

  “How about va-jay-jay? Better?”

  Ann groaned then gave into the madness and laughed. “Why are you here harassing me?”

  “We miss you. That and I have a bet going on with Riley that you’ll cave to the wonder dick and drop your vendetta. She says you’ll cave. I’m hoping you’ll do me proud.” Maya shrugged. “That or you’ll end up having so much sex you start walking bowlegged. Then the school will find out what a ho you really are, fire you, and you’ll take up hooking down on Wall Street. Sadly, Riley and I will have to pretend we’ve never met you, and you’ll die lonely and alone with only your johns for company.”

  Ann blinked. “All that from not talking to me for three days?”

  “What can I say? I’m in a creative mood. Just finished four new pieces for an upcoming art show.”

  Ann chuckled. “You artists and your weird senses of humor. Now help me tidy up here and we’ll walk back to my place.”

  After cleaning the room, they left together, thankfully passing no one she knew who might overhear Maya’s R-rated mouth. The woman liked to talk at ten decibels above normal whenever it had to do with an embarrassing topic. Namely, Ann’s new sex life.

  “He’s good,” Maya said. “I can tell. You actually are a little bowlegged.”

  “Would you shut up?”

  Maya laughed.

  “He’s great. Awesome. Huge. Happy now?”

  “Not as happy as you apparently.”

  “Well, something you might be interested in, he met with the Blacks on Sunday. One great big happy family of blackmailers and cheats watching football together.”

  “Figures the snakes would find each other and coil up into a nest.” Maya frowned. “So why haven’t you been talking to us? Tell me.”

  “I’ve been busy.” She glanced around. Seeing no one near, she shared with Maya a few details about her weekend.

  Maya whistled. “I am now officially jealous. He might be a snake, but he sure seems to know how to do the mambo mattress dance.”

  Ann laughed and would have replied when she saw Julie and Josh walking together down the street.

  Maya followed her gaze as the pair turned the corner. “Guess Julie and Dan are back. Jack still staying at their place?”


  “Small town. Besides, I have my feelers out about our sly adversaries. The enemy is tricky. Dicky too.”

  “That was just bad.” They arrived at her place and walked inside.

  Maya sighed. “I know. I blame Riley. Girl has been in a funk since Anson’s been back. He had the nerve to flirt with her the other day at the bakery. She’s PO’d to the point I’m here bugging you instead of messing with her.”

  “Ouch. I should call her.”

  “No. You should tell me what I want to hear. That you’re sticking to the plan.”

  “I am,” she said, “It’s been hard. Having sex without an emotional connection is tough, but I’m trying to keep it separate. We’re having dinner tonight. Just dinner. Then, well, I lost a bet. Friday night I’m his for twenty-four hours.”

  Maya loafed on her couch. “Man. I need to get some action like that. Let a guy try to boss me around for a day.”

  “Try being the key word. You have control issues.”

  “I do. And I fully admit it. Acknowledgement of the problem is the first step, you know.”

  “You’re such a dork. Oh, Maya. What do I do? I’m trying really hard not to like Jack again. But he’s being so charming. I mean, he’s making my toes curl in bed. Then he leaves, and next thing you know he texts to tell me to have a nice day or share something funny Josh said.”

  “But he still hasn’t mentioned high school, hmm?”

  “No. He’s made a few remarks about putting the past behind us.
But it’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  Ann didn’t know how to explain without sounding childish.

  “Just that you can’t get over the hurt?” Maya answered. “I get you. Dex screwed me over in twelfth grade. And you know what? Over a decade later I still want to put a hurt on him. My mom dropped the ball when I was a baby, and now I have commitment issues. I’m twenty-nine, so clearly I’m not over that yet.”

  “We’re not crazy for feeling hurt after so much time, are we?”

  “Nope. We’re normal. We just need closure—hence the revenge.”

  “Right. Revenge.” But on who, Ann wondered, because trying to remain emotionally detached from Jack seemed to wound her more than him. “Well, it’s early yet. I’ve only been with him a week or so. He’s barely been back.”

  “He’s been here long enough to have you on your back.”

  “Crude, Maya.”

  “Yet true. Look, have fun. Enjoy him a little. Enjoy him a lot. Just don’t lose yourself to him again. For all you know, he’s fooling around with you while secretly engaged to Selena Thorpe.”

  Ann grimaced. “Must you say her name?”

  “Sorry. My point—don’t trust the guy. He hasn’t earned it.”

  They talked a while longer, then Maya left to get back to her studio.

  After a call to Riley to say hello, Ann left a message then went out to clear her head. She returned in time to get ready for her dinner with Jack and met him downtown.

  Jack waited for her outside Noi, the new Thai place she’d been dying to try, talking and laughing with someone. He waved her over.

  “Hey, Ann. You remember Dexter Black? Dex, Ann Weaver.”

  “Oh my gosh. You are huge.” Ann goggled at Dex, who used to be almost Ann’s height.

  “Yeah, yeah. I hit a weird growth spurt and it forgot to stop.” Dex kissed her on the cheek. “You look terrific, Ann. Why don’t you ditch Jack and come out with me? I’m going to see a movie. A drama. With subtitles,” he added hopefully.

  “I would, but I think Jack might cry if forced to eat alone.”

  Jack frowned at Dex. “Hey. She’s with me.”

  Dex rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Anyway, see you later. Bye, Ann.” Dex started walking away, then stopped and turned back. “Hey, tell Maya I said hi when you see her.” He gave her a mocking salute as he left.