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  Unbeknownst to them, Myst, Racor’s greatest spy, has had her eyes on them for some time. The puzzle of these two alleged traitors doesn’t fit, and Myst has made it her mission to find out why. But when the tables are turned and she’s caught spying under the planet’s hot summer suns, pleasure and affection confuse the issue, making her wonder who to trust—her heart, or the evidence against her lovers.

  Warning, this title contains the following: explicit sex, frank language, ménage, m/m action, and hot sweaty adventure.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for A Scorching Seduction:

  “She’s been way too quiet for way too long,” Trace said grimly. He banged on the door and, not hearing anything, nodded to Vaan.

  Unfortunately, her door failed to open with the security codes.

  “I can’t believe she’s stalling. What does she think will happen when we open the door?” Trace shook his head.

  Vaan scowled. Cursing to himself, he finally overrode her block and opened the door. As he’d suspected, the little liar had run. Before leaving her alone to change, they’d searched her room. Apparently, they hadn’t searched well enough. Though irritated, Vaan couldn’t help admiring the alluring young woman.

  Long black hair, deep brown eyes and a body that made him hard just from thinking about it, Fia had been a temptation he’d done his best to ignore since her arrival two months ago. Fighting his sweltering attraction to Trace was bad enough, but the timid sex sharer had stirred protective instincts within him he’d been hard-pressed to face. He didn’t like feeling such an animal attraction for such a shy, malleable female. And despite a face and body made for sex, something about her had seemed…off.

  Like Trace, he’d been suspicious. But after two months of nothing but her stellar service, as well as reports of her amazing fellatio and sweet little pussy, he’d been more than inclined to relax his vigil, at least as far as Fia was concerned.

  Now, however, he felt like a fool. And the feeling didn’t sit well at all.

  “Trace, find her. I’m going to talk to Vela, and do some research into our missing girl.”

  Trace nodded as he left.

  Vaan found Vela lazing about in her private pool with Clea rubbing her shoulders.

  “Hey, Cuz.”

  Vaan shot her a frown, glancing at Clea, but Vela shrugged.

  “Honey, Clea knows more about me and this place than the Racor army. So tell me, what has you all hot and bothered?”

  “Did you give Fia your security codes?”

  Vela sat up straighter. “No, why?”

  “Because she used them to break into your quarters, and she somehow vanished from her room without using the front door.”

  Clea grinned. “That’s because she probably went through the armoire to our private room.”

  Vaan gritted his teeth as he glared at Vela. To her credit, she flinched under his gaze. “Why wasn’t I informed of that particular passage? And how many more are there in the compound, that as your head of security, I should know about?” Damn it all to hell. This place could have been crawling with the TAC and they’d never have known it until the shackles fell.

  “Come on, Vaan. I can’t share all of my secrets, now can I?”


  “Oh, all right. That particular passage connects with the central garden. If you’re small enough to fit through the window, you could conceivably find yourself in the inner courtyard. From there it’s a few more steps before you reach the compound perimeter. But don’t worry. Even if she’s after you, she couldn’t let anyone know you’re right here.”

  “Unless she has a communicator, and she knows just where on the island her signals will pass.”

  “Oh,” Clea said, biting her lip. “I gave her a map of the island a month ago, and I mentioned that little spot near the mirror pool.” At Vela and Vaan’s frowns, she sighed. “She seemed homesick. How was I to know she was after you?”

  “So until this conversation, nothing seemed strange about her? Her side of the room is completely devoid of character. That doesn’t strike you as odd?”

  Clea shook her head. “No, I asked her about that. But she said she was an orphan, and I thought she might have been down on her luck. She didn’t do the clients, and seemed kind of out of place here. But she begged me not to say anything. Poor kid. She really needs this job.”

  “So if she didn’t service the customers, who did?” Studying Clea, he had his answer. “You did. You both have roughly the same build, the same coloring except for the eyes and lips, and the same proportions.”

  “Maybe we should invite Fia back for a third.” Vela grinned, and Clea chuckled, running her hands over Vela’s shoulders to her breasts.

  Vaan rolled his eyes. He’d learned all he needed from these two. “I’ll see you later. Vela, Trace and I’ll be out of touch for the next few days, I’m sure. Have Jakes take over the watch.”

  She nodded, obviously distracted by Clea’s tongue in her ear.

  Quickly leaving, he found Trace pacing at the edge of the compound bordering the tropical jungle covering the rest of the island. He could see the summer heat taking its toll on his friend, but had no time for pity.

  “She entered here, not so long ago. We need to find her.”

  “Yes, we do.” Vaan relayed his information, and Trace’s eyes darkened steadily until they were burning with anger. “But not you, not now. I’ll track her. I need you to head for the mirror pool here,” he said, handing Trace a map. “It’s mostly through thick vegetation, so you should be sheltered from the suns. I located it once a few months ago. Use this and your nav guide to reach the pool. That’s where she’s eventually got to be headed for a withdrawal. There’s nowhere closer to communicate from, and since she knows we’re on to her, she’ll want a quick extraction, pronto.”

  “Right. I’ll grab some supplies and meet you at the pool. But if I don’t see you there by third moon, I’m coming after you. When you find her, don’t let her go, Vaan. You know what’s at stake.”

  Trace handed Vaan a dagger, and Vaan took it and moved out. He surged into the jungle, uncaring of what beasts might lie in wait. He had a new objective to handle, and a burst of excitement spiked his blood. Vaan lived for the chase, for the thrill of the hunt. And now he had new prey and a new thirst for vengeance to quench.

  One weekend. His rules. Inhibitions left at the door.

  Trust and Dare

  © 2007 Shelli Stevens

  Angry that yet another military man has done her family wrong, Abby Cook plots sweet revenge. But when her plan goes awry, she discovers that she’s targeted the wrong military man.

  Mason Tyler is not used to being disobeyed. Yet the curvy blonde has rejected his advances at every turn. When he catches her in the middle of a very destructive—not to mention illegal—prank, he offers her a deal. A deal that will keep her out of jail. And let him exact a little revenge of his own.

  One weekend in his bed…no inhibitions, no refusals. But when the weekend is up, will Mason be ready to let Abby go?

  Enjoy the following excerpt for Trust and Dare:

  “Take off your shirt, Abby.”

  Her eyes widened and she licked her lips. “Now?”

  She’d given him the go ahead, let’s see how far she’d let him take it. “Well, you did agree to play by my rules. You’re not going to break that little bargain of ours just yet, are you? I might have to spank that sweet ass of yours.”

  Her lips curled upward and her tongue darted across her mouth. “Oh, well now…that might be kind of fun.”

  Hmm. Another thing he’d have to remember. She liked the idea of being spanked. He took a step forward and she giggled, throwing her hands up in front of her.

  “Okay, okay!” Reaching down, she grabbed the hem of her tank top and jerked it over her head.

  The blood in his veins pulsed faster at the sight of her lace-covered breasts. “Now your bra.”

  She took a deep breath and reached behind her,
unhooking her bra and sliding the straps off each shoulder. She pulled the purple scrap of lace off her breasts and let the bra drop to the floor. Oh, sweet God. He wanted to step forward and touch her, but that would screw up the entire striptease.

  “The skirt.” His voice came out hoarse.

  Her fingers were shaking as she unzipped the skirt and wiggled her hips so it fell down at her feet. She stepped away from it and reached down for the buckle on her heels.

  “Did I tell you to take off your heels, Abby?”

  She straightened up. “I just assumed—”

  “Don’t assume. Leave the shoes on.” She looked so damn sexy, and the shoes just made the fantasy level go up.

  “Okay.” She nodded and started to cross her arms across her breasts.

  He closed the distance between them, grabbed her wrists, and gently tugged her arms away from her body.

  Now that they were inside and under the lights, he could see every curve and swell of her body. Her breasts were large and crowned by fat, raspberry-colored tips. Her stomach and hips were full and pale, with smooth pink pussy lips peeking out between her soft thighs.

  “Don’t cover yourself, Abby. You’re a sexy woman, and I wanna look at you.” He needed to ease her surprising moment of shyness. He lowered his head and brushed his mouth across hers.

  She made the sweetest little sighing noise and pressed her body against his, opening her mouth under his lips. He slipped his tongue inside, tasting her sweetness and sucking on her tongue.

  The kiss deepened, growing more urgent. He finally jerked away, their ragged breathing just audible over the music. He reached his hands between them to cup her breasts, running his thumbs over the firm tips.

  “Mason…” She moaned and covered his wrists with her fingers.

  He stepped back, letting her go as he went to the couch and sat down. Crooking his finger towards her, he murmured, “Come here, baby.”

  She smiled and walked towards him, her hips swinging as her high-heeled feet moved across the carpet.

  When she was standing in front of him, he opened his legs so she could stand between them. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he gently urged her to her knees in front of him. Had he gone too far? His worries were eased when he watched her eyes—sure enough, there was a shimmer of excitement in them.

  Without even having to ask her, she seemed to know what he wanted. Her pretty manicured fingernails went to work unbuttoning his fly, and then pulling down the zipper. His blood pounded through his veins and his cock grew harder than it already was.

  Lifting his hips, Mason shoved his pants and briefs down to his knees. His erection sprang free and her soft hand immediately wrapped around it. The air hissed from between his compressed lips and he closed his eyes.

  Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

  It’s all about the story…









  Red Hots!


  Science Fiction


  Young Adult