Satisfaction Delivered Page 15
She watched in disbelief as Jonas’s eyes misted as he looked over the water through the bay window to her right. “She was amazing. So lovely. She could cut a man’s dick off then join me for a gourmet meal using exquisite manners, every inch a lady. Sweet and tender, sexy and stunning.” He met her gaze. “You don’t look that much alike except for the hair and the shape of your eyes.”
“I know. She was beautiful.”
“But a tad possessive.” He smiled, but his eyes remained cold. “She and I were together for two and a half years. Then she left me.”
“But why? I know she left the Business. But she never told me she was going or why she left. That’s always bothered me.”
“I’m an independent man. And I like to have several projects going at once. Big Joe didn’t like that. Always had to have his fucking nose in my life. So I left. He thinks I don’t know, but Angel came here on his orders. She was supposed to be his spy, but we fell in love.”
He sounded as if he believed that.
“I never knew.” Did he know he had a son?
“We had so much fun together. I thought she really knew me.”
“What happened?”
He looked puzzled. “She found out about the women. She’d known I was selling them. Oh, it’s a common enough practice. Pretty whores bring a lot money, and a lot of my clients prefer them unwilling.”
She swallowed. “Angel knew about that?”
“Hell, she knew about it all. The drugs, the guns, the women.” He snorted. “But when she realized I was the one breaking them in, she left me.” He stood and paced. “Over a few whores, she left me.”
Angel had been okay with sexual slavery, drugs, and guns? He had to be talking about someone else. After what had been done to her, Angel would never condone rape of anyone.
He seemed to be expecting Vi to say something.
“I, well… It sounds so unlike the Angel I knew.”
“Right?” He nodded and ran a hand through his perfectly styled blond hair. “We were in love, and then she left.” He snapped his fingers. “Like that. I looked for her for a very long time. When I learned of her death, it devastated me.”
“Me too.”
He knelt down and hugged her, and the movement shocked her to immobility.
Jonas didn’t try anything sexual, and she didn’t want to do anything to encourage him.
He leaned back after a moment and wiped tears from his face.
“Oh Jonas.” She gave him the sympathy he seemed to want. “I know.”
“I know you do.” He patted her on the shoulder.
He seemed to be still grieving, unsure of himself. So the brutal slap to her face caught her completely by surprise.
He did it again, and her head rang.
He wiped a trickle of blood from her mouth and licked it from his finger. “Let’s not play games. We both loved Angel. Now she’s dead.” He reached behind him—for the knife?—and drew out a small device the size of a cell phone. He tapped on the device, and it came to life showing five small boxes where characters should be typed.
“Before your bitch of a sister left, she must have fucked with one of my accounts, recoding it. I had that account for a long time, and I only realized I couldn’t access it a few months ago. I’ve been searching for Angel for a long time, but only after she was dead did I realize what she’d done.” Instead of appearing upset, he smiled. “She was amazing. So cold and calculating. My equal in every way.” He shook his head.
Vi remained quiet, listening.
“And then I remembered what she’d told me before she’d left. About stealing my treasure. And I knew. She’d deliberately stolen from me. That cunt.”
Vi hated the C-word, but what made her really uneasy was how fond Jonas seemed of Angel, despite all she’d done to him. Jonas seemed more than a little unbalanced.
He rose and paced. “I’ve been digging for answers, you know? But I think she’s been waiting for me to catch up. From the grave.” He winked at Vi. “Just last week, I found something. An old message she’d tried to get out to another of Big Joe’s contacts. Phantom never replied.”
Vi didn’t react. Oh Angel. I’m so sorry I missed your message.
He watched her. “X marks the spot. Does that mean anything to you?”
“Other than pirate talk of treasure, no.”
“Exactly! That one fucking phrase. Angel stole my treasure. But she left me a clue to get it back. You know how much she loved puzzles and codes.”
“She did. She was obsessed with them.”
“X marks the spot.” He typed an X into the first square on the device. “This is all I know. Just X.” His expression turned murderous. “Two whores and less than enjoyable orgasms cost me your sister. She stole from me, and she left me lonely. No one comes close to replacing her. I’ve tried.”
Vi nodded.
“So, you and I, we’re going to figure this out. I can’t crack the code using any other means. I’ve tried. I’ve only got two more shots at figuring it out before the entire thing resets and I lose everything.”
He tapped the X, and her sister’s voice sounded from the device.
“Poor Prince. You have to get the code right or poof, it all goes away. Ten tries and you’re done. Jonas, baby, you fucked me over. Now I’m turning the tables. I was the best you’ll ever have. I only ever asked for one thing from you. And you blew it. So guess what, Handsome? Now I’m taking from you the only thing you ever loved. We both know what’s at stake. I’ll give you one hint. Find my sister, and she just might have the answer, you big baby. Love you. Angel.”
So many questions rose in her mind. Vi asked none of them but one. “At stake?”
He glared at the device. “She knew exactly how to hurt me. That clever, clever bitch.” He laughed and groaned, then swore, shouting as he paced again, his patience—and sanity—snapping as he grew louder.
Vi did her best to remain small and unnoticeable.
He deliberately placed the device down and walked back to her, once again calm. “I followed her instructions. Here you are. You’re going to help me figure this out. I have two more tries to get it right.”
Vi allowed her disbelief to show. “You knew her better than I did! I have no idea what I can tell you.”
“You’ll tell me everything you know about your sister, and start from the beginning. But don’t worry, Violet. Once I wrap up my dealings with Joe and Scoria, we’ll have nothing but time.” He ran a finger down her swollen cheek. “Maybe if you’re lucky, we’ll see if you take to the strap as well as your sister did.”
And maybe we won’t. Okay, time to figure out how to get the hell out of here and save my loudmouth boyfriend in the process.
Hammer had come to moments before Gio opened the cell door.
He felt woozy and ready to vomit, but he knew he only had so much time before saving himself, or Vi, became an impossibility. Blood loss was a real bitch.
Luis begged to be set free, but no one else made a sound, and Hammer realized he and Luis were the only ones down here.
Before Gio set him down, Hammer made his move.
He rolled on Gio’s shoulder, making his weight that much more unstable.
Gio swore and dropped him, and as he did, Hammer kicked out at the bastard’s knees.
Gio hit hard, and Hammer was on him, choking him out before Gio could react.
When the big guy stopped struggling, Hammer took a moment to blink away fireworks. Luis had exited the cell and was trying to drag Gio off.
“You did great, man. Awesome.” Hammer crawled, pushing Gio while Luis pulled him into the cell. Once they had the giant inside, Hammer patted Gio down and took a gun, a cell phone, some cash, and another set of keys off the man.
He and Luis shut and locked Gio in the cell.
The effort hurt.
“Great, now what?” Luis asked, panting.
“Now you’re getting the hell out of here while I fin
ish that maniac upstairs.”
“You’re crazy. He’ll kill you.”
Hammer growled, “Not if I kill him first.” He shoved a wad of cash at Luis. “Watch out for extra guards and go.”
“You don’t have to pay me, but I’ll take it.” Luis grinned. “Hey, you ever need a favor, ask for Snake Eyes. That’s me.”
“Yeah, okay.” Snake Eyes. Had to be in reference to dice. Luis was more like a mouse than a snake as he scurried away.
Hammer sagged against the wall, aware his leg had been bandaged to stem the bleeding. He needed a plan of attack and forced himself to remember Vi could handle herself. He trusted her to deal with Jonas while he figured out what to do.
He unlocked the cell door and stripped Gio of his jacket and shirt. Hammer put them on, knowing he and Gio appeared not so much alike as they did the same size. It hurt to move—at least one rib had broken, his leg throbbed, and his nose still freakin’ hurt. He owned Jonas at least a busted face. At least.
He tied up and gagged Gio with the scraps of his shirt, knowing that wouldn’t keep the guy put for long. After locking the cell door again, Hammer tucked the gun and phone in his pocket then wondered what to do about the keys. How big was the compound? Did they monitor everything? Because he hadn’t seen any cameras down here. Across from Gio, nothing filled the other large cell. Not the biggest basement, it did have high windows that allowed light and a nice ocean breeze to pass through.
His mind wandered, and he felt himself sliding down the wall he’d used to prop up himself.
The phone vibrating in his pocket woke him right up. Right. Bad guys. Death. Vi facing off against Jonas. He took the phone out and saw the text.
Is it done?
Having no idea what that meant, he texted back, Yeah.
Silence. Then, I’m coming down.
Not sure he was ready for another round, Hammer nevertheless did his best to get focused. He gripped the pistol, standing back and away from the only way down to the cellar, hidden behind a pillar by the stairs.
A door above opened. Footsteps grew louder. Two sets. Shit.
He waited until they stood directly across from him, staring at Gio lying on his belly, facedown.
“Those aren’t his pants,” Joe growled.
Scoria swore.
“Don’t move unless you want a bullet in the brain,” Hammer ordered and stepped around the pillar. “That goes especially for you, Big Joe. Don’t move. Hands on your heads. Do it.” He shot at the floor to prove he wasn’t joking and prayed no one upstairs heard.
“Fuck.” Joe put his hands on his head, as did Scoria.
“Turn around, real slow.”
They did. Scoria said nothing.
“You look like shit.” Joe shook his head.
Hammer motioned with the gun to the unlocked cell behind him. “In there, one at a time.”
“Shut up,” Hammer snarled at his uncle. “Get in there and tie Scoria up.”
Joe snarled back, “With what? My good looks?”
“With the secure ties you always keep on hand. I’m smarter than I look.”
Joe sighed and said to Scoria, “Sorry about this.” He withdrew a set of ties, bound Scoria’s wrists together, then turned and waited. “Well? What now?”
Hammer grew dizzy for a moment, and that was all his uncle needed. He rushed Hammer, taking him to the ground. Scoria followed.
Hammer rolled and had his uncle under him, wrapped in a neck hold. With any luck he’d choke out his uncle before Scoria got free or did more damage.
But Joe wasn’t having it. Then Scoria’s arms were around Hammer’s neck. Hammer had no idea where the pistol had gone. He freed himself from Scoria and knocked the wind from him.
And turned to see Joe sighting in on him with the gun.
“Go head. Pull the fucking trigger,” Hammer growled and advanced, limping because his leg felt like it wanted to fall off. It had bled again, and remaining upright became a chore.
“You should have just told him,” Scoria rasped from the ground.
“You shut up, too. Damn it.” Joe tucked the gun behind him and shoved Hammer down when he would have attacked. He tossed a knife in Scoria’s direction. “Hurry up. We have to stanch the bleeding.”
Hammer didn’t know what was going on.
“Shut up and listen,” his uncle ordered in a lower voice, his gaze flashing to the stairway and back. “I’ve been working Jonas for months. He’s got a lead on a nerve agent that was stolen from a lab in Serbia eight months ago and smuggled into the U.S. We’ve been helping to track it down. Jonas knows where it is. If we don’t find it before it’s sold, a lot of people are going to die.”
“You’re working with Jonas.” Hammer’s tongue felt thick in his mouth.
“Yes, to get the gas. Once I get it back, Scoria here is going to handle Jonas.”
“He’s my contract,” Scoria whispered. “And you’re fucking up my plans, Destroyer. So, shut up and let me do my job.” He looked over at Gio and swore.
“Wait. What?” Hammer was really confused.
Joe shook his head. “He’s lost a lot of blood.”
“And brain cells,” Scoria added. “I’ll go back up. Get this fixed or I’ll shoot you both myself.”
“Not if you want to get paid.” Joe sounded amused.
Scoria flipped him off before leaving.
Then it was just Hammer and his uncle. He looked up at the man he loved like a father. And punched him in the face.
“Ow!” Joe cupped his cheek. “What the hell was that for?” he snarled in a low voice. “I’m helping you.”
“You set us up.”
Joe leaned down, right in Hammer’s face, and said, “I told you to leave it alone.”
“You ordered me to stand down. You told me nothing.”
“Because you go in half-cocked. This is about the bigger picture, you idiot.” He shocked Hammer by ruffling his hair. “Now shut up and let me fix you up so you can give Vi the support she deserves.”
“You sold her out.” Hammer tried to hit his uncle again, but Joe easily deflected him. Hammer gasped when his uncle tightened the band around his leg. “That hurts.”
“Shh. Keep it down.” His uncle was fixing a silencer to his pistol at the same time footsteps came down the stairs.
Gio’s fellow Italian guard stopped upon seeing Joe. He threw his hands in the air and began swearing in Italian as he turned around and walked back up.
“Good. Lorenzo will stall if he needs to.” Joe helped Hammer to his feet. “Well, you don’t look much like Gio, but if anyone does a quick glance, they might confuse the two of you. Just stay back and let this play out. I’m not kidding about the seriousness of this job.”
“Since when do we do anything involving chemical weapons?” Hammer muttered as Joe helped him limp up the stairs.
“I’m doing a small favor for a buddy of mine.”
“Fuckin’ CIA.”
“I never said that.”
Hammer sighed.
“You should have stayed out of it.”
“You should have trusted me.”
After a heavy pause, Joe apologized, “I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have. But I’ve had a hell of a lot to handle lately. This shit with Jonas and the Angel tops my list.”
Hammer grunted, still not so sure how his uncle had gotten mixed up in it all, but so relieved he hadn’t turned on them he could have passed out.
“Easy there, slugger.” His uncle slapped him once. “You back with me?”
“No problem. I think maybe I can use this. Work with me this time, okay?” Joe pressed a gun into Hammer’s hand and helped him tuck it into the small of Hammer’s back, held in place by his jeans. “Try not to shoot your ass off.”
Once at the top of the stairs, Joe bent down and rose with Hammer over his shoulder. The pain hurt so much Hammer passed out.
He woke, lying on the grou
nd while gunfire, fighting, and chaos broke out all around him.
Joe fired at Scoria, who ducked and fired back. Vi was hiding under the glass coffee table, staring at him with worry. Jonas, he didn’t see, but Gio was fighting back-to-back with Lorenzo against four tattooed men.
A woman with short black hair frosted with blue entered, took one look at him, and smiled. “Well, well. Destroyer. You look like shit.” She shot an inch above him before Vi threw a pointed star at her.
Sue Ahn barely dodged it and fired back, luckily not hitting them. Two of the enemy started after Vi, who was moving toward him.
Hammer glared at Vi for putting herself in danger. She glared back.
Then he pulled out the gun and shot the men after her. One in the head, the other in the throat. She reached him and yanked the gun away.
“Let me do this. You’re a mess.” She kissed him on the lips, dragged him behind a nearby couch, and left him there.
“You’re welcome,” he yelled out and inched to a sitting position so he could peer around the couch—once his vision stopped blurring.
Sue Ahn and Jonas were nowhere to be seen. Vi was fighting with a woman and a man at the same time. More shots rang out, and his uncle and Scoria darted away. Gio was down, Lorenzo giving him first aid.
Hammer wanted to help, but Vi had said to trust her. She shot the man in the gut and kicked him away, then dodged the woman’s knife before attacking once more.
She was beautiful, striking out with precision while avoiding harm. So flexible, she arched back or moved too fast to be hit while jabbing at her attacker. A slice to the forearm, to the side, against the woman’s neck.
Bleeding all over the place, the woman’s hand grew slick over her knife. So, when Vi kicked out at her, she dropped it. Then Vi took her out, one jab to the heart. The knife went in and came out. A clean kill after all.
Vi looked around, saw him watching her, and nodded. He nodded back.
She disappeared.
Hammer swore to himself, annoyed not to see Jonas anywhere in sight. He decided he’d be safer on the ground, trying to get himself together to be of help, and lay flat. A glance under the couch showed a black cellphone.