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Satisfaction Delivered Page 16

  He dragged it out and touched the screen, and five blocks appeared. Some type of passcode? Wait, this wasn’t a phone.

  He stared at it, fading in and out of consciousness, until a feeling of foreboding encroached.

  Suddenly wide awake, he stared at the black device.

  “Get up.” Jonas stood behind him and drew the hammer back on his gun. “Easy now.”

  Hammer slowly stood, needing the couch to help him up. He clutched the device, aware of Jonas’s greedy gaze.

  “Give it to me,” the bastard ordered.

  “What? This?” He looked down at it and saw an X in the first square.

  “Don’t touch it,” Jonas shrieked and shot past him. “The next one won’t miss.”

  “Five spaces, the first one is an X.” And Hammer knew.

  He glanced around and realized everyone had died or left, leaving only him and Jonas.

  Jonas smirked. “Oh, they’re out looking for me on the speedboat Sue’s driving. She’s loyal, at least.”

  “Do you know what this is?”

  “It’s a hard drive.”

  Hammer raised the device. “Do you know this code?”

  “No, but with Violet’s help, I’ll get it.”

  “I know what it is.” Seeing the astonishment on Jonas’s face almost made what he was about to do worth it. “Tell me what’s on this thing, and I’ll give it to you.”

  “You know nothing.”

  “Not true. Angel died and left a locket for me to find. We were friends during training. It’s true. You could ask Violet. She’d tell you.”

  Jonas seemed to believe him. “And?” The gun trembled in Jonas’s hand.

  Hammer saw a bloodstain on Jonas’s jacket. The pretty boy didn’t look so together anymore. His hair was mussed, his mouth a mess, and blood stained his clothing. Had he been shot or stabbed? Or did that blood belong to someone else? How strong or weak was the man?

  “What’s on this?” Hammer asked again.

  “It’s mine.”

  “So, if I press enter right now on this passcode, with just one key entered, how many tries do you have left?” Hammer asked, taking a guess.

  “No. No. I’ll tell you. Stop.” Jonas wiped his sweating brow. “It’s a private account. My account. Angel knew that and changed the code before she left me. I only recently found out.”

  “Man, that sucks.”

  Jonas sneered. “I would have gotten my answers already if that whore sister of hers hadn’t ruined things.”

  Good for Vi.

  Jonas shot him in the side, and Hammer went down, not having expected it. He dropped the drive as he fell, but he saw where it went. Before Jonas could reach it, he rolled toward the bastard and fought as if his life depended upon it.

  Because it did.


  Vi raced back up the stairs toward Hammer, annoyed that she’d lost both Jonas and Sue Ahn in the fighting. While dark-clothed mercs swarmed the facility, Joe and Scoria ran past her down the stairs. Vi paused, wondering if she should follow them or check on Hammer. She was baffled at what the hell was happening and couldn’t tell up from down anymore.

  “It’s at the far dock,” Joe yelled to Scoria. “Hurry.” He jogged back to Vi, looking roughed up.

  “That’s a nice bruise on your cheek.” She wanted to clock him.

  He glared at her. “Blame your boyfriend.”

  They arrived in the living room together and watched Hammer pounding the crap out of Jonas Hood.

  The blows kept coming, though he’d gotten weaker, bleeding all over the place.

  “Good God. He’s ridiculous,” Joe blustered, but she swore she caught a hint of pride mixed with worry. “I’ll grab him before he kills himself. You get Jonas.”

  Having run out of steam, Hammer finally slowed until he nearly collapsed on top of Jonas. Joe dragged him away and started swearing, then ripped his shirt to use to stop Hammer’s bleeding.

  But Jonas had no intention of going anywhere, despite looking like death. He’d found the drive and his gun and aimed at a passed-out Hammer. “Tell me the code.”

  Hammer wasn’t telling anyone anything at the moment, but Jonas looked little better off, not processing too well.

  “I know it,” Vi said, getting his attention off Hammer and Joe. “I also know a secret Angel kept from you.”

  “What? A secret? Tell me,” Jonas slurred, his face a mess thanks to Hammer. The rest of him looked even worse. Hammer had wrecked him.

  Man, I love that guy.

  “Angel left you because she was pregnant.”

  Jonas stared at her.

  “She was having your baby, and you were cheating on her. So she left you.”

  “You’re lying.”

  “He has your blue eyes, your blond hair.” A few lies never hurt. “He’s eight months old, conceived right before she left you. Right after your compound burned to the ground.”

  “She did it.” He stared at Vi through one wide eye, the other swollen shut and bloody. “She burned up my villa, destroyed my fields and my business down here, and left me. I later learned she’d stolen my treasure.” He held the device out to her.

  “No, she gave birth to your treasure. She put the code in a locket around his neck, and then she sent him to Ice for protection.” Which she still didn’t understand. Because according to Noel, he’d never met Angel.

  Jonas blinked. “That was my baby? No. You’re lying.” He pointed the gun at Hammer again.

  “X6TFL,” she said clearly. “Go ahead. Punch it in. You’ll see.”

  Jonas looked confused. Blood dripped down his nose and from his ears. Goodness Hammer, you had some aggression to work out, didn’t you? “I’ll do it.”

  He handed her the device, and she disarmed him easily.

  His mouth opened, as if he meant to say something. Then he collapsed to the floor and didn’t move.

  Didn’t breathe.

  She checked. “He’s dead.”

  Big Joe swore.

  Needing to see what Jonas had been so keen to discover, she punched in the code. It asked for a thumbprint, so grabbed Jonas’s thumb, the one not bent the wrong way, and placed it on the phone.

  “What is it?” Joe asked, still tending to Hammer, who’d started to rouse.

  “Hold on.” She saw the screen clear. A phone beeped.

  “Something came through my cell.” Joe tossed her his phone. “Can you read that?”

  She looked and had to look again. “It’s a message from Angel.”

  “What?” Joe glanced at her in surprise.

  “Hold on.” She didn’t know what to read first, so she read Angel’s note, addressed to her, on Joe’s phone.

  Dear Violet,

  I fucked up. Majorly. But you know that. By now, I’m dead. Yeah, I ate a bullet rather than deal with Jonas dragging me down. I did too much I’m not proud of, and I don’t want that for my baby. I’m just tired, Violet. So very tired.

  My precious baby boy is going to need you. I left him with Ice, because he’s decent, and I know he’ll do right by my baby. No one will get past him if he doesn’t want them to. I would have left him with Hammer, but, well, there were complications.

  Do me a favor and find my locker. There are instructions in it and something for you. I want the money I earned—not stolen, no matter what Jonas says—to go to my little Angel.

  I’m sorry we didn’t have more time together. Sorry I always seemed to screw up. But I thought Jonas would make me happy. I loved him. But he didn’t love me back enough.

  I know who you are, Sis. And I’m so proud. You’re a legend. Just like me. But be better than me, Vi. Not a ghost. A real woman with real friends.

  I’m sorry.


  * * *

  Vi didn’t have tears left, or so she’d thought. Her vision grew blurry, and she hastened to wipe her eyes before Joe saw.

  “Here,” he said gruffly and handed her a clean hand towel. “Can I s

  She handed him his phone and dried her eyes. Then she took a good look at Jonas’s drive and saw tons of files, names and networks, bank accounts, and photos. It looked as if his entire world had been uploaded onto the drive. Some treasure. She’d take Gunnar over millions of dollars in drug money any day.

  “Here. You’ll want this.” She handed the device to Joe. “And Jonas’s thumb. Make sure you get that.”

  He looked over the information, nodded, and tucked the device into his pocket.

  “If you two are done flirting, can we go home?” Hammer asked, coughing flecks of blood.

  Vi hurried to his side. “God. Joe, is he going to make it?”

  “He’s fine. Just an idiot.” He helped her get Hammer to his feet.

  Even bloodied, bruised, and banged up, he looked wonderful.

  You, Hammer, are my treasure.

  She kissed him tenderly.

  “Love you, Vi,” he mumbled and staggered with them out of the home.

  Joe shot his nephew a surprised look before staring at Vi.

  She had eyes only for Hammer. “I love you too, Hamilton.”

  He groaned. “I don’t know what hurts worse. That name or these wounds.”

  Joe smiled, and she saw the real man beneath the costume. “Way to go, Monty. You’ve finally become a man. Found a good woman. And because I’m a generous guy, I won’t ground you for too long before you’re back in the field.”

  “Whatever,” Hammer said.

  “Gee thanks,” Vi muttered.

  Joe laughed and laughed, weakly waving down help. “Oh man. You two are prefect for each other.”

  Vi sighed and brushed Hammer’s hair from his bloodied temple. “You got that right.”

  A week later, Hammer sat in Noel’s comfiest chair while Solene and Addy fussed over him, something his own woman should have been doing.

  “Okay, are you going to let us know what the hell happened or what?” Deacon groused. “Because your stupid ‘We’re good and we’ll be back soon to explain—it’s over’ text isn’t cutting it.”

  Noel crossed his arms over his chest. “What he said. Oh, and your face looks like crap.”

  “Thanks so much.” Hammer had had his nose set, and his two black eyes had turned a lovely indigo and yellow. His leg still ached, and his rib had definitely been broken, though Jonas’s shot through his side had passed through, missing anything vital. It hurt to exist, basically. But he was trying to put on a good face about his ordeal. Especially after he’d walked in tonight on crutches and Addy had burst into tears.

  “I’m just waiting for Vi to get here. She can tell it.” He sighed. “My leg hurts.”

  Addy glared at Noel. “He’s hurt. Let him rest. Geez, Noel.” She turned back to Hammer and gently patted his knee. “How about some cocoa with your pie?”

  “With marshmallows?”

  “Sure, sweetie.”

  He smiled.

  Solene poked Deacon in the chest. “You too. Be. Nice.” She moved toward the kitchen. “Addy, let me help you with dessert.”

  Hammer smirked and admitted to the guys, “I am gonna work this forever.” His only regret was that Gunnar had been put to bed earlier, so he’d have to wait to visit with the little guy until the next day.

  “Vi has to see right through you,” Noel said drily.

  “She’s not a nice nurse,” Deacon said. “At least, she wasn’t with Noel.”

  “Trust me. I remember.” Noel shook his head. “So what’s the deal with making us wait?” A chime beeped. Noel checked his phone. “Finally.”

  Vi sailed through the front door carrying a large bag. She entered and made her way straight to Hammer. “You’d better be keeping off that leg. And nothing physical either.” She glared at Noel and Deacon—who made the sign of the cross at her.

  “Back, foul woman. Offend not mine ears with vile talk of exercise.”

  Solene apologized. “Sorry, Vi. We’ve been watching a lot of documentaries about the Middle Ages on Netflix.”

  Noel laughed. “Easy, Vi. Your boyfriend is doing his best to milk his wounds for all he’s worth.” He nodded to Addy and Solene.

  Addy smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ve been taking good care of him. Want some apple pie?”

  Hammer gave her a big grin. “I love apple pie. Addy made me one to keep my spirits up.”

  Vi rolled her eyes, and Hammer’s heart swelled with joy. Warmth unfurled inside him, being with friends and the woman he loved better than any gift he’d ever gotten.

  Vi waited until the women joined them, sat next to Hammer on the couch, then explained, in detail, what had transpired when they’d left Hammer’s unnamed contact. His relationship with Big Joe remained a secret, and they’d both agreed it should stay that way for the safety of everyone.

  She’d just gotten to the part where Hammer had been taken down to his cell over Gio’s shoulder.

  Hammer squeezed her hand. “Yeah, tell us about how you took Jonas out. This is my favorite part.”

  She flushed. “Since Hammer had mouthed off and gotten himself beaten up, Gio—secretly working for Big Joe—took Hammer away. Then Jonas questioned me about Angel.” She paused. “She was my sister.”

  Everyone grew quiet.

  Noel and Addy exchanged a glance and held hands. “Your sister?” Noel asked softly.

  “Yeah. I told Jonas everything I could about her as a kid. But nothing I told him got him the code he desperately wanted. So I had to kick his ass.”

  Hammer beamed. “Kicked. His. Ass. I love you, Vi.”

  She gave him a shy smile. “I know.”

  Deacon laughed. “So you pounced and took him down?”

  Vi nodded and gripped his hand. “I gave him a fake code, and the minute he put in a new letter after the X, I attacked. He wasn’t expecting it, and I used his own knife against him. He wasn’t focused, not the old Jonas Hood. I think he was seriously losing it.”

  “You think?” Hammer snorted. “The prick, ah, the guy was a loser.”

  Addy flushed. “You can curse in front of me. It’s okay.”

  “That’s like swearing in front of a Sunday school teacher,” Deacon said. Seeing her blush deepen, he laughed. “Oh hell. You teach Sunday school, too?”

  “Leave her alone,” Noel said.

  “Anyway,” Vi cut in, “I had Jonas on the run, then his troops rushed in at the same time Big Joe’s guys came from another direction. It was nuts. But in the end, we won. Big Joe found the stolen chemical weapons; I forgave him for using me with Jonas.”

  Hammer growled.

  “And we found a note left by my sister.” She looked at Noel. “She wanted you to protect her son, Noel. I think I know why.”

  They’d found a lot in the locker her sister had directed her to via a separate email automatically sent from Jonas’s drive. In the locker, there were a few scattered bank accounts for the boy. Some Angel had wanted Vi to have too. A note for Noel and Hammer explained the rest. And wow, had that been enlightening.

  “Hammer, you tell him.” Vi left, still emotional about all that had happened with her sister.

  “Is she okay?” Solene asked.

  “She’s good.” Hammer answered. “She just needs a minute. She loved her sister, and though they weren’t close, they might have been if Jonas hadn’t interfered.” He looked at his friends and knew he’d been granted a huge gift. “Angel and I were friends in training. We remained friends as we got older, checking in every now and then. When Angel learned what Jonas had been doing, capturing girls to sell on the black market, she knew he wasn’t a good man.”

  “It took that to show her the truth?” Deacon asked, incensed.

  “I know,” Hammer said wryly. “But for Angel, that was it. She copied all of Jonas’s important info and saved it to a hard drive only accessed by a special device. Then she stashed away money he’d been saving for a rainy day.”

  “Which he looked for six months ago then learned what she’d done,”
Noel filled in.


  “But why me?” Noel asked. “With the baby. I don’t get that.”

  Hammer looked at Addy, unsure of how exactly to say the truth.

  Addy nodded. “Tell us, please.”

  “Uh, okay. Well, I knew what she looked like. And that night after the cartel bust, me, Noel, and Deacon celebrated.”

  “I know where this is going,” Solene drawled.

  To his credit, Deacon flushed “It was before you, baby.”

  “It really was,” Noel said, his heart in his eyes as he looked at Addy.

  She sighed. “I know, Noel.”

  “Anyway, we each found a friend that night,” Hammer said slowly, noting Vi’s presence at the kitchen. “Noel’s friend just happened to be Angel. She’d had a thing for him for a while, I guess, and she needed help. But she chickened out at the end and left instead of asking him to help protect her and the baby.”

  Addy’s eyes widened. “Oh my God, Noel. Gunnar really could have been yours.”

  Noel didn’t speak.

  Vi took over. “Anyway, Angel wanted Noel to protect her baby, and in case she died, for me to raise him as I saw fit. But I think she’d love knowing Noel and Addy were raising her baby. Maybe you guys can stick an Angelino in his name somewhere, for his mother.” She wiped her eyes.

  Hammer wanted to comfort her but didn’t know if helping her now would hurt her pride.

  She waved him away, reading his mind the way she often did. “I’m fine, just a little weepy. I know Angel is loving the fact her baby will grow up safe and loved. With four contractors making sure he’s protected, he’ll never want for anything.”

  Noel crossed to Vi. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”

  She met Hammer’s gaze and smiled “Yes. We’ve talked about it. I’ll still be Aunt Vi.”

  “And I’m still a god parent,” Hammer reminded them all. To Deacon he added, “The kid really does like me best.”

  Deacon grinned. “You wish.”

  “We love him so much,” Addy said, wiping her eyes.

  “I know.” Vi moved around the counter to hug Noel, Addy, and the others. Then she came back to him. “Once gimpy here is better, we have work to do. You lovebirds have a good thing going. Live your lives. In a few years, when Hammer and I are ready, we might join you here. But not yet.”